合作伙伴们还指出,ISS已经进入第三个年头,拥有一个永久性船员,并进行了第三年的轨道研究 他们还注意到第6次远征队(Expedition 6 Crew)的成功发射。该远征队主要将从事组装活动,并开展对所有合作伙伴而言都至关重要的科学研究,这些研究预计不仅有助于太空探索,也有助于改善地球上的生活。随着ISS的组装工作继续进行,...
这是自1985年4月以来的首次EVA。 第二天,另一场EVA测试了“CETA”乘员和设备翻译辅助车(Crew and Equipment Translation Aids)。通过SAREX 2项目,宇航员们能够与业余无线电爱好者进行通信。亚特兰蒂斯号在飞行5天23小时33分钟后,于4月11日在加利福尼亚州爱德华兹空军基地的22号跑道着陆。 1991年4月18日,亚特兰蒂...
112 1123 11月23日 2002 STS-113 奋进号 7/7 13d 18h 肯尼迪 ISS assembly 飞行 11A: P1 truss, crew rotation, last successful mission before STS-107 113 0116 1月16日 2003 STS-107 哥伦比亚号 7 15d 22h N/A (Ken.) SPACEHAB; Loss of vehicle and crew before landing at KSC 114 0...
This Wednesday, rocket engines in a Progress supply ship will fire for 20 minutes to boost the space station's orbit slightly, giving Discovery's crew opportunities to rendezvous and dock on flight day three for any launch between Dec. 7 and Dec. 21. ...
Whether solo or with a crew, its pirate-based gameplay will have you swabbing the deck with excitement. Developers Rare Ltd. struck gold with this high-seas multiplayer adventure, defining what it really means to run a tight ship. Also ranks #1 on The Best Multiplayer Games on Xbox Game ...
112 The Clean Up Crew Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, Antonio Banderas, Melissa Leo 1 votes When a crime scene clean-up crew discovers a briefcase full of money, they must outsmart a criminal kingpin and corrupt FBI agents who want it back. Released: 2024 Directed by: Jon Keeyes Rated: R Also ran...
STS 300是NASA为应急救援任务CSCS(Contingency Shuttle Crew Support)指定的任务编号,如果任务控制认为当前任务的热保护系统(TPS)和增强型隔热板(RCC)受损且无法在轨修复,它可以在极短时间内发射前往国际空间站(ISS)。这项任务的准备时间为40天。在此期间,受损轨道飞行器的机组人员需要在空间站中避难。目前没有计划...
第二天,另一场EVA测试了“CETA”乘员和设备翻译辅助车(Crew and Equipment Translation Aids)。通过SAREX 2项目,宇航员们能够与业余无线电爱好者进行通信。亚特兰蒂斯号在飞行5天23小时33分钟后,于4月11日在加利福尼亚州爱德华兹空军基地的22号跑道着陆。
He was the commander of Apollo 8, the first mission to fly around the Moon, and together with crewmates Jim Lovell and William Anders, became the first of 24 humans to do so, for which he was awarded the Congressional Space Medal of Honor. Birthplace: Gary, Indiana Also ranks #27 on...