Fig. 10. A: Coarse (2–3 cm) disseminated Po-Pn-Ccp droplets in quartz diorite, Copper Cliff North Mine, Sudbury. Note absence of any associated silicate melt or former volatile components. B: Intermediate-sized (1–2 cm) composite sulfide-silicate droplets in net-textured ore, Katinniq ...
101 0Ch PIR1 — ADIF CCP1IF —CMIF — TMR2IF TMR1IF -00- 0-00 19, 101 0Dh — Unimplemented — — 0Eh TMR1L Holding Register for the Least Significant Byte of the 16-bit TMR1 Register xxxx xxxx 45, 101 0Fh TMR1H Holding Register for the Most Significant By...