COMBATCOMBAT sustainability (Military scienceMILITARY art & scienceUNITED States. ArmyFeatures the Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT), an existing formation and organization optimized by the U.S. Army...
The article chronicles the history of the Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT) of the U.S. Army. The team was created in response to the need to bridge the gap between the service's light forcible entry forces and heavy formations based on experiences in the Bosnia War. The service developed...
斯特瑞克装甲车是拉姆斯菲尔德主义(Rumsfeld Doctrine)的产物,诞生自美国陆军第三阶段的武力重整计划,旨在作为21世纪美国陆军旅级远征战斗部队装甲主力,旅级远征战斗部队围绕斯特瑞克装甲车成为了美国陆军新时代全新的军种和编制转型的先行者——斯特瑞克战斗旅(Stryker Brigade Combat Team,SBCT),在拉姆斯菲尔德主义下斯特瑞克...
美国政府让一些旅级战斗队装备斯特瑞克装甲车,以建立斯特瑞克战斗旅(Stryker Brigade Combat Team,SBCT)。美国政府计划斯特瑞克战斗旅能够以多架C-130运输机完全空运投射到前线,全旅级战斗队以悍马车和斯特瑞克为移动载具,直接开下飞机后就能作原野战或城市战,目的在冲突扩大前期就予以介入和压制敌军士气,同时进行第...
Defense Department, the 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT), 28th Infantry Div., Pennsylvania National Guard has been selected for deployment. It mentions that two infantry companies and ...
The eight-wheeled Stryker combat vehicle is the U.S. Army’s Stryker Brigade Combat Team primary combat and combat support platform and the focal point of this ongoing phase of Army Transformation. Significantly lighter and more transportable than existing tanks and armored vehicles, the Stryker ful...
Stryker brigade combat team (SBCT) The Stryker brigade combat team (SBCT) combines the capacity for rapid deployment with survivability and tactical mobility. The Stryker armoured combat vehicle enables the team to manoeuvre in close and urban terrain, provide protection in open terrain and transport...
Preparing for the SBCT's blue to green transition: Army mechanics are taking over the task of maintaining Stryker vehicles in Stryker brigade combat teams. The author outlines his unit's transition from contracted maintenance support.(Stryker brigade combat team)...
M-1126 Stryker Combat Vehicle7 The Stryker is a family of eight-wheeled combat vehicles based on the Canadian LAV III 8x8 light armored vehicle. The U.S. Army, perceiving a gap between light and heavy forces, developed a medium-weight brigade combat team in 2003. The Army's original goal...
Sbct(Stryker brigade combat team)TransformationsWe are often admonished to improve your foxhole every day, because you never know how bad you might need it tomorrow. The foxhole and the defense allow us time to prepare for an offensive operation. Army Transformation calls for a similar effort,...