The IAV Stryker is a family of eight-wheeled, all-wheel-drive, armored combat vehicles used by US Army. The vehicles are employed as a part of the Stryker Brigade Combat Teams, light and mobile units based on the Brigade Combat Team Doctrine. Armoury Description » Design...
斯特瑞克装甲车是拉姆斯菲尔德主义(Rumsfeld Doctrine)的产物,诞生自美国陆军第三阶段的武力重整计划,旨在作为21世纪美国陆军旅级远征战斗部队装甲主力,旅级远征战斗部队围绕斯特瑞克装甲车成为了美国陆军新时代全新的军种和编制转型的先行者——斯特瑞克战斗旅(Stryker Brigade Combat Team,SBCT),在拉姆斯菲尔德主义下斯特瑞克...
Description of the base doctrine for the Stryker Brigade Combat Team 1; Importance of tactical questioning; Benefits of issuing digital cameras and videotape capability to the squad.doi:10.1111/j...
Dismounted infantry is the foundation of the Stryker brigade's fighting power, and that will not change as modernization programs make Stryker vehicles more lethal, according to the Army official responsible for coordinating the brigades' doctrine, training, personnel and materiel requirements. “Despite...
The vehicle is employed in Stryker Brigade Combat Teams, light and mobile units based on the Brigade Combat Team Doctrine that relies on vehicles connected by military C4I networks. Pneumatic or hydraulic systems drive almost all of the vehicle's mechanical features; for example, a pneumatic ...