The concept of the struggle for life is closely related to natural selection. In the most general sense, the struggle for life derives from the disparity between the great capacity of organisms to multiply and the limited amounts of space, food, water, and so forth necessary for the normal ...
struggle for existence Wikipedia Related to struggle for existence:survival of the fittest n (Biology) (not in technical usage) competition between organisms of a population, esp as a factor in the evolution of plants and animals. See alsonatural selection ...
Nerve Growth FactorsReceptors, Nerve Growth FactorReceptor, Nerve Growth FactorLigandsSignal TransductionApoptosisReceptor Protein-Tyrosine KinasesNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.2307/2673047Legvold, RobertCambridge University PressSlavic Review...
7.3. Forbid peasant organizations to enter the city to seize landlords and settle scores with them.三、禁止农民团体进城捉拿和斗争地主。 8.The handbills said they would carry on the struggle for freedom and democracy.传单说他们将继续进行争取自由民主的斗争。 9.The Historic Contribution and the Str...
These strikes are also good training to help workers educate themselves about the class struggle, and about what it will take to execute an eventual general strike for the purpose of achieving industrial democracy. 这些罢工也是一种良好的训练,可以帮助工人自我教育什么是阶级斗争,以及为实现工业民主而...
andinteracting with her people, or Hondo shows her in the middle of the forest, with the rockravines integrated into the natural environment. The images are a visual idiom of thephilosophies of a nation, organised as a monarchy but operating on the principles of directgrassroots democracy.The ...
The article addresses the tension between the internalization of a violent border regime intent on preempting migrant arrivals and the everyday democratic
thousands of enthusiastic supporters have recently looked on in amazement while their democracy turned out to be partystruggle forpower. 這群成千㆖萬的積極支持者,到了 最近,大為吃驚㆞看 他們的民主如何演變成黨派之間的權力鬥爭。
or the broader struggle for democracy, and have never gained regional support for them. 实施和保持制裁的国家和 组织把制裁与具体的改革或为民主进行的更 广 泛斗 争联系在一 起,但他们并未有效传达这个概念,也 就从未获得过南部非洲地区对于这个概念的支持。[...
or the broaderstruggle fordemocracy, and have never gained regional support for them. 实施和保持制裁的国家和 组织把制裁与具体的改革或为民主进行的更广泛斗争联系在一起,但他们并未有效传达这个概念,也 就从未获得过南部非洲地区对于这个概念的支持。