of the crystal structure. The calculatedtransstructure has a reduced twist along the main axis of the chromophore, when compared to the crystal structure, with the greatest discrepancies observed for the C10-C13 atoms in the retinal backbone as well as the C20 methyl group (Supplementary Fig.6)...
In one direction along a pseudo-2-fold axis of the trigonal prism are two Fe atoms at 2.74 and 2.77 angstrom from Mo, while the opposite tetragonal face is spanned by a zigzag chain of four Fe atoms, one of which at 2.68 angstrom is also bonded to Mo. The four-Fe chain contains ...
the structural stability would increase slightly, the laser damage threshold would be improved. Meanwhile, the cleavage fracture of MnSexTe1−xMoO6crystal would be affected by thec-axis lengthening. Unfortunately, the transmission of MnSexTe1−xMoO6would become worse in the visible region, thu...
c Ribbon diagram of the lysyl-adenylate (magenta) form of LigIV (DBD in green; NTD in orange; OBD in blue) bound to the nicked DNA substrate (pink), as viewed down the axis of the DNA helix (left). On the right, the complex has been rotated 90° around the y-axis, to view ...
On the axis of cordinates based on the sella turcia, all of the measurements except the orbitale changed significantly in height, but none of the measurements except the nasion and lower permanent incisor changed significantly in depth. 2. The permanent interincisor angle and the lower incisor ...
For offshore structures like semi submersibles and jack-ups, hydrostatic stability is to be determined for what is called the weakest axis, which is not necessarily the same as the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the structure. When allowing trim to take place, the determination of the critical...
A) Trimers of the MCLC structure in the open (PDB 4L7Z) and closed conformation (PDB 4L80) without and with bound substrates; respectively. The view is from the top along the 3-fold rotation axis. A Tris molecule is positioned at this axis buried in the protein. Ligands are depicted ...
random.randn(len(data), columns), columns=col_names)], axis=1) # IMPORTANT!!! This function is required for building any customized CLI loader. def find_loader(kwargs): test_data_opts = get_loader_options(LOADER_KEY, LOADER_PROPS, kwargs) if len([f for f in test_data_opts.values...
f Surface presentation of the BCL-2 molecule. g Surface presentation of the p53 molecule by rotating 180° along the y-axis of the view in (f). The black box indicates the interface. Full size image To investigate the detailed interactions between p53 and BCL-2, we performed ...
Thousands of outer-arm dyneins (OADs) are arrayed in the axoneme to drive a rhythmic ciliary beat. Coordination among multiple OADs is essential for generating mechanical forces to bend microtubule doublets (MTDs). Using electron microscopy, we determine