The distribution of the various cell wall structures and polymers found in the living world fits together very well with Woese's concept, based on 16S ribosomal RNA sequence similarity, that 3 urkingdoms have emerged from a common ancestor. It is assumed that the common ancestor did not contain...
Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC) (NIH, 2020); Heng, H. H. Q. Cancer genome sequencing the challenges ahead. Bioessays 29, 783–794 (2007). Article PubMed Google Scholar TGCA Research Network Comprehensive genomic characterization def...
H. Dynalign: an algorithm for finding the secondary structure common to two RNA sequences. J. Mol. Biol. 317, 191–203 (2002). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Havgaard, J. H., Lyngsø, R. B. & Gorodkin, J. The FOLDALIGN web server for pairwise structural RNA alignment and ...
To date, ClC proteins with solved structures are present in dimer form in a roughly C2 symmetrical manner with common architectural features16,17,18,19,20,21. Each protomer consists of an N-terminal domain, a transmembrane helix domain (TMD) and two C-terminal cystathionine-β-synthase (CBS...
The de-MARylation activity is a common feature of the X domain (i.e., the first of the macrodomains if there is more than one) of all investigated macrodomain-encoding viruses (Li et al., 2016a, Eckei et al., 2017). Interestingly, the macrodomains of VEEV and SARS-CoV can also ...
Several other C-type lectins of myeloid cells, including mincle, dectin-2 and BDCA-2, lack intrinsic signalling domains but activate Syk through association with the common Fc receptor γ chain (FcRγ), which contains an ITAM. Signalling through association of FcRγ with mincle and dectin-2 ...
A potential therapeutic strategy for diabetes is the transplantation of induced-insulin secreting cells. Based on the common embryonic origin of liver and
Maps: Readers should be able to locate any study areas shown within maps using common mapping platforms. Maps should only show the area actually studied and authors should not include a location map which displays a larger area than the bounding box of the study area. Authors should add a no...
Subcortical brain structures are integral to motion, consciousness, emotions and learning. We identified common genetic variation related to the volumes of the nucleus accumbens, amygdala, brainstem, caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, putamen and thalamus
This layered structure concept has several advantages: imparting a two- to three-fold reduction in the number of required pixels, three times more efficient light utilization (and thus higher sensitivity) than common Bayer filters scheme, colour moiré suppression and no need for de-mosaic image ...