Defines an object that pairs one header with between 3 and 10 snippet values that tell customers more about your business.In the following example, Courses is the header, and .NET, Java, Python, and PHP are examples of individual values....
Bing Ads推出了Structured Snippet Extensions,助力进一步提升广告效果。与此同时,Bing Ads对账户的操作界面进行了整合,进一步提高了操作效率 Bing Ads推出了Structured Snippet Extensions,助力进一步提升广告效果。与此同时,Bing Ads对账户的操作界面进行了整合,进一步提高了操作效率。
And here’s the on-page table (below) that generated the structured snippet above. It’s an excellent example of the uncertainty surrounding which part of the table Google will choose to extract. This on-page HTML table lists various product details, which Google then selectively extracts for ...
To install PoShLog, run following snippet from powershell: Install-ModulePoShLog Setup logger using pipeline fluent API and write some log messages(in this case into file and console): Import-ModulePoShLog#Create new logger#This is where you customize, when and how to logNew-Logger|Set-Minimu...
Defines an object that pairs one header with between 3 and 10 snippet values that tell customers more about your business.In the following example, Courses is the header, and .NET, Java, Python, and PHP are examples of individual values....
BulkStructuredSnippetAdExtension { // 'Parent Id' column header in the Bulk file AccountId = 0, // 'Client Id' column header in the Bulk file ClientId = "ClientIdGoesHere", // Map properties in the Bulk file to the // StructuredSnippetAdExtension object of the Campaign Management ...
Defines an object that pairs one header with between 3 and 10 snippet values that tell customers more about your business.In the following example, Courses is the header, and .NET, Java, Python, and PHP are examples of individual values....
Defines an object that pairs one header with between 3 and 10 snippet values that tell customers more about your business.In the following example, Courses is the header, and .NET, Java, Python, and PHP are examples of individual values....
Defines an object that pairs one header with between 3 and 10 snippet values that tell customers more about your business.In the following example, Courses is the header, and .NET, Java, Python, and PHP are examples of individual values....
To install PoShLog, run following snippet from powershell: Install-ModulePoShLog Usage Setup logger using pipeline fluent API and write some log messages(in this case into file and console): Import-ModulePoShLog#Create new logger#This is where you customize, when and how to logNew-Logger|Set...