今天在编译一个C语言程序时,对于结构体变量,报出错误 Error: request for member ‘xxx’ in something not a structure or union。 经过调试发现是 . 与 -> 搞错了。 如果它是地址,就在它后边用 ->,如果它不是地址,就在它后边就用 . 代码举例简略如下: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> typed...
报错 member reference base type int'is not a structure or union的原因是因为当时测试人次要比平时多,从而导致服务器出现不稳定;解决方式:重新换一个服务器;member reference base type int'is not a structure or union测试使得服务器的硬件组成较为复杂,对于服务器硬件的维护应由专业人员进行。...
今天在编译一个C语言程序时,对于结构体变量,报出错误 Error: request for member ‘xxx’ in something not a structure or union。 经过调试发现是 . 与 -> 搞错了。 如果它是地址,就在它后边用 ->,如果它不是地址,就在它后边就用 . 代码举例简略如下: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> typed...
对于结构体变量,报错如下:Char 20: error: request for member ‘length’ in something not a structure or union [solution.c] 意思为:在非结构体中请求成员“长度”。 解决思路: 结构名和变量名没有关系。 参数nums是一个指针(int nums[ ]在函数参数中与int *nums具有相同的含义)并且它没有成员。 除了(...
packages/apps/SystemMointor/jni/proc_reader.c:96: error: request for member 'FindClass' in something not a structure or union packages/apps/SystemMointor/jni/proc_reader.c:98: error: request for member 'GetFieldID' in something not a structure or union ...
Structure declarations can also be specified without a declarator when they're members of another structure or union. The field names are promoted into the enclosing structure. For example, a nameless structure looks like this: C structs{floaty;struct{inta, b, c; };charstr[10]; } *p_s; ...
For more information, see L-Value and R-Value Expressions. In the second form, postfix-expression represents a pointer to a structure or union, and identifier names a member of the specified structure or union. The value is that of identifier and is an l-value....
void Union(int a ,int b)将a的根节点指向b的根节点 (即合并后的集合根节点为b,其值作为component identifier). voidUnion(inta ,intb){intaRoot =Find(a);intbRoot =Find(b);if(aRoot == bRoot)return; id[aRoot] = bRoot;// 将a的根节点,本来是指向自己的箭头,指向了b的根节点Count --; ...
For more information, see L-Value and R-Value Expressions. In the second form, postfix-expression represents a pointer to a structure or union, and identifier names a member of the specified structure or union. The value is that of identifier and is an l-value....
For more information, see L-Value and R-Value Expressions. In the second form, postfix-expression represents a pointer to a structure or union, and identifier names a member of the specified structure or union. The value is that of identifier and is an l-value....