The presence of glands opening to the angulus oris region of the bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus has been confirmed. The glands are similar in general to the apocrine sweat glands of man and other animals although histological differences were noted. Also there was a marked sex difference in ...
Pheromone glands were discovered in the prothorax of male Hylotrupes bajulus (L.) (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae). These exocrine glands were investigated by SEM and light microscopy. Almost the entire prothorax is internally lined with a glandular matrix composed of numerous heap-like complex glands....
Female alates of the Formosan subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus, possess a pair of glands under the 9th and 10th abdominal tergites. These tergal glands located just below the cuticle have two distinct regions. The outer part is made up of type 1 cells. These cells possess large nucl...
Structure and function of sex pheromone glands of male Queensland fruit fly, Dacus tryoni . J. Insect Physiol. 15 , 1309 – 1322 .Fletcher, B. S. ( 1969 ).— The structure and function of the sex peromone glands of the male Queensland fruit fly Dacus tryoni . J. Insect Physiol 15 ...
Hibbs, R. G.: The fine structure of human eccrine sweat glands. Amer. J. Anat. 103 , 201 (1958)Hibbs RG (1958) The fine structure of human eccrine sweat glands. Am J Anat 103:201-217Hibbs, R. G.: T h e fine structure of human ec- crine sweat glands. A m . J. Anat. ...
Various leucocytes are found in the gland walls and embedded in the secretion. The fine structure differentiates the holocrine cells of the axillary gland from the club cells of the epidermis, and from the venom glands associated with the fin spines of catfishes. The function of the axillary ...
The bean-shaped accessory glands of the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor L., produce secretions that form the outer layers of the spermatophore. We aim to understand the hormonal control of growth and differentiation of these glands. In the present paper, we describe the morphology of the glands...
Triiodothyronine and Thyroxine in the Serum and Thyroid Glands of Iodine-Deficient Rats If the T(4)-T(3) conversion ratio remains the same in iodine deficiency, then the analysis suggests that about 90% of the T(3) arises directly from the thyroid. Therefore, it would appear that absolute ...
【胃腺结构医学动画 Structure of gastric glands medical animation 】
A. (1974): The structure of defence glands in some Tenebrionidae and Nilionidae (Coleoptera). Tr Roy Ent Soc London. 125: 437-487.Kendall D. A. (1974) The structure of defence glands in some Tenebrionidae and Nilionidae (Coleoptera). Trans. R. ent. Sot. Lond. 125, 437487....