生物化学-修志龙-Chapter 5 Structure of protein.ppt,Chapter 5 蛋白质的三维结构 一、研究蛋白质构象的方法 二、维持蛋白质三维结构的作用力 三、多肽主链折叠的空间限制 四、蛋白质二级结构 五、纤维状蛋白质 六、超二级结构和结构域 七、球状蛋白与三级结构 八、膜蛋白
8、 protein(胶原蛋白) 4. Elastin (弹性蛋白) 5. Myosin (肌球蛋白),1.Hair -keratin (角蛋白),三股右手-螺旋 向左缠绕成原纤 维(protofibril) 微原纤维 (microfibril) 大原纤维 (macrofibril),Conformation change of -keratin,straining -helix -sheet Disruption of hydrogen bonds Disulfide bonds for...
蛋白质的结构与功能(Structure and Function of Protein)PPT.ppt,蛋白质是生物大分子,具有明显的结构层次性,由低层到高层可分为一级结构、二级结构、三级结构和四级结构。 蛋白质的一级结构是指肽链的氨基酸组成及其排列顺序。 蛋白质的多肽链并不是线形伸展的,而是按一
Protein Structure The structure of proteins can be described at 4 levels – primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary. Primary structure The sequence. What are some other organic molecules? Lipids Fats. 1 Proteins Read pgs , do #s Learning Goal: I will understand the 4 levels...
Structure of proteins 1.Primary structure of proteins 2.Secondary structure of proteins 3.Tertiary structure of proteins 4.Quarternary structure of proteins ? Prote 2、in folding pathways and structure prediction 1.General principles of protein folding 2.Protein folding pathways 3.Some diseases related...
Chapter 1 Protein Contents Chemical components Molecular structures Biological functions Structure-function relationship Physical and chemical properties Exploration of proteins Proteomics: a new frontier What are proteins? Proteins are macromolecules composed of amino acids linked together through peptide bonds....
Protein Secondary Structure : Kendrew Solves the Structure of Myoglobin “Perhaps the most remarkable features of the molecule are its complexity. Biology 107 Macromolecules II September 8, 2003. 1. Primary Structure: Polypeptide chain Polypeptide chain Amino acid monomers Peptide linkages Figure 3.6 Th...
(2003). The crystal structure of palmitoyl protein thioesterase-2 (PPT2) reveals the basis for divergent substrate specificities of the two lysosomal thioesterases, PPT1 and PPT2. J Biol Chem. 278:37957-37964.G. Calero, P. Gupta, M.C. Nonato, S. Tandel, E.R. Biehl, S.L. Hofmann,...
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1. Primary Structure: Polypeptide chain Polypeptide chain Amino acid monomers Peptide linkages Figure 3.6 The Four Levels of Protein Structure. Proteins Structures Primary Structure. Daily Starter Explain how a peptide bond is formed. (What is the reaction called and how does it happen?) ...