IMPACT OF COMPANY INCOME TAXATION ON THE PROFITABILITY OF COMPANIES IN NIGERIA: A STUDY OF NIGERIAN BREWERIES. This study ascertains the impact of taxation on the profitability of companies in Nigeria. The study used secondary sources of data and a time series econo... Chude,N Patricia,D Izu...
The purpose of this research is to investigate the moderating role of corporate governance on the relationship between earnings management and debt level i
The trade-off theory (TOT) accounts for the effects of taxes and the costs of bankruptcy. The theory assumes that firms trade-off the benefits of debt financing (favourable corporate tax structure) against increased interest rates and bankruptcy costs to find an optimal CS—the mixer that maximi...
The Garifuna community is of particular interest to students of population genetics because it represents a group of people who have been relatively isolated, culturally and genetically, for the last 200 years. Their demographic and migratory patterns ca
(2016) suggest a nonlinear relationship between debt and firm performance in South Africa. They offer support for the predictions of the trade-off theory. Using firm size as a transaction variable,Ibhagui and Olokoyo(2018) show that the relationship between capital structure and Nigerian firms’...
Influence of capital structure on profitability: Empirical Evidence from listed Nigerian banks. IOSR J. Bus. Manag. 2014, 16, 22–28. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Almajali, M.; Shamsuddin, Z. The Effect of Capital Structure on Performance of Insurance Companies: Evidence from Jordan. Int. ...
2015. The impact of profitability on capital structure and speed of adjustment: An empirical examination of selected firms in Nigerian Stock Exchange. Research in International Business and Finance 35: 111–21. [CrossRef] Öztekin, Özde, and Mark J. Flannery. 2012. Institutional determinants ...