Read about the Nepali language, its dialects and find out where it is spoken. Learn about the structure and get familiar with the alphabet and writing.
E ngland and L aura M artin , Acehnese: M ark D urie , Nepali: C arol G enetti and L aura D. C rain , Mapudungun: J ennifer E. A rnold , Finnish: M arja -L iisa H elasvuo , Roviana (Oceanic): SI mon H. C orston -O liver , child Inuktitut: S hanley E. M. A ...
Sanskrit is usually written in the Devanāgarī script, a descendant of the Brāhmī script, although other scripts have been used and continue to be used. The Devanāgarī script is also used for writing Hindi, Marathi, and Nepali. It is a syllable-based writing system in which each syllable...
Hindi is written in theDevanāgarīscript, a descendant of theBrāhmīscript. Devanāgarī script is also used for writing Sanskrit,Marathi, andNepali. There is a fairly good correspondence between the characters and the sounds they represent. The Devanāgarī script is a syllable-based writing system...