The thoracic cavity encloses the heart and lungs, and the vertebral column protects the spinal cord. In addition, bone also supports the weight of our soft tissues and acts as a lever system for muscular activity. In general, bone structure is directly related to these functional needs. ...
The abdomen and pelvic regions are continuous with each other, making up the distal part of the trunk. Bar the brain, heart and lungs, this region contains virtually all your body organs, including those involved in the digestive, endocrine, lymphatic, urinary and reproductive systems. So, it...
Thoracic cavity structure: The thoracic cavity contains two pleural cavities, the left and the right which contain the left and right lungs, respectively. The pleural cavity is made of two thin membranes that surround the lungs...
Figure 4. Diagram of Compact Bone.(a) This cross-sectional view of compact bone shows the basic structural unit, the osteon. (b) In this micrograph of the osteon, you can clearly see the concentric lamellae and central canals. LM × 40. (Micrograph provided by the Regents of University o...
Location of heart: ADVERTISEMENTS: Heart is right in the centre between the two lungs and above the diaphragm in the ribcage. The narrow end of the roughly triangular heart is pointed to the left side and during working the contraction of the heart is most powerful at this ...
Lysosomes are particularly numerous in epithelial cells of absorptive, secretory, and excretory organs (liver, kidneys, etc.). They are also present in large numbers in the epithelial cells of the intestines, lungs, and uterus. Phagocytic cells and cells of the reticuloendoth...
(2010a, 2015)) combined different anatomical structures such as lungs, bones, cartilages and vessels into a single mask and then computed the Euclidean distance transform. Such approaches are computationally convenient since they require to compute the distance once at the beginning, with respect to...
The main function of IgA is to bind antigens on microbes before they invade tissues. It aggregates the antigens and keeps them in the secretions so when the secretion is expelled, so is the antigen. IgA is also first defense for mucosal surfaces such as the intestines, nose, and lungs....
The sequence of events of the blood becoming oxygenated (in the lungs) then oxygenating the tissues (in the body) is as follows: The Right Ventricle (of the heart) sends de-oxygenated blood to the lungs. While in the lungs: Carbon Dioxide diffuses out of the blood into the lungs, and...
A cupula is asmall, inverted cup or dome-shaped cap over a structure, including: Ampullary cupula, a structure in the vestibular system, providing the sense of spatial orientation. Cochlear cupula, a structure in the cochlea. Cupula of the pleura, related to the lungs. The cervical parietal ...