Humic AcidEURASIAN Soil ScienceZonal SoilZonal SeriesThe structure of humic acids (HAs) in zonal soil types—soddy-podzolic soils (two samples), gray forest soil (one sample), and chernozems (two samples)—was quantitatively studied by 13 C NMR spectros-copy. In the series considered, the ...
humic substances play an important role in the formation and stability of soil aggregates. Long-term fertilization not only changes the structure of humic acid (HA), but also affects the content and stability of organic C in
of corn and soybean,and the poultry manure significantly increased PQ values in the rhizosphere soil of cabbage.The application of organic materials resulted in a significant increase of the E_4/E_6 value in fulvic acid,while a little bit decreased E_4/E_6 of humic acid.Organic materials ...
In the alkyl C region, the chemical shifts of the absorption peaks of SOC functional groups were increased in all straw returning treatments compared with those in the CK treatment. The chemical shift of the absorption peaks in the 1/3 XG treatment was 25.12 ppm, which was higher than that ...
16.VARIATION OF CHARACTERISTICS OF STABLE CARBON ISOTOPE IN ORGANIC CARBON AND STRUCTURE OF HUMIC ACID IN PADDY SOILS IN DIFFERENT CLIMATIC ZONES不同气候带水稻土有机碳δ~(13)C及胡敏酸结构特征变化 17.The result shows that for the discount rate δ=1/2, the two-phase strategy is not subgame-...
select article A detailed study on the sorption characteristics of humic acid onto calcined dolomite Research articleAbstract only A detailed study on the sorption characteristics of humic acid onto calcined dolomite Ebru Kurtulbaş, Eren Yıldırım, Serkan Emik, Selin Şahin Article 128606...
select article Unraveling the structural intricacy of synthetic humic substance via, UV-vis, FTIR, 13C NMR and non-targeted silylation-GC-Orbitrap MS Research articleAbstract only Unraveling the structural intricacy of synthetic humic substance via, UV-vis, FTIR, 13C NMR and non-targeted silylation...
Fig.1VanKrevelenplotoftheeighthumicacid(HA) fractions 224nm和254nm。 3结果与讨论 3.1元素分析 所测样品为高腐殖酸含量的泥炭,腐殖酸含量 约49 5%。由表1 可见看出3 次处理所得腐殖酸占 总量的84%,4 次达 92%,可见腐殖酸主要来自前 4 次的处理。从元素组成可看出所提取的8 个级分的 组成存在明显...
The presence of Humic Acid (HA) in a waternsupply is undesirable as they raise total organic pollution level, colour intensity, distinct absorbing capacity andnchemical activities. They have capability to induce cytotoxicity for many mammalian cells and are cause factor ofnmany diseases. On the ...
Contribution of humic acid and a polysaccharide to water repellency in sand and soil. J. Am. Soil Sci. Soc. 33, 149–151. (1969). Article ADS CAS Google Scholar El-Sharief, M. A. M. S. et al. New 1,3-diaryl-5-thioxo-...