Explore the skin diagram and how many layers of skin humans have. Learn about skin tissue, see how thick skin is, and identify the seven layers of...
any of the basic elements of heredity, passed from parents to their offspring.If the children are red-haired, one of their parents must have a gene for red hair.gen genetic(dʒəˈnetik)adjective of genes or genetics.a genetic abnormality.genético ...
Our skin is an impressive organ that has many useful functions. It reduces water loss, fights infections, helps regulate our temperature, and makes vitamin D.
5.(Zoology) the fringe of long hair, tapering towards the tip, on the underside of the tail of certain breeds of dog, such as setters 6.(Zoology) the conspicuously marked tail of a deer 7.a less common name forbookmark 8.(Automotive Engineering)AustralandNZthe part of a taximeter that...
construction of hair can be greatly affected by cosmetic treatments.At right,is a schematic diagram of various cross-linkages between the polypeptide chains in hair.The vertical peptide chains indicated at right are composed of up to 40 million amino acid chains in one single strand of hair.House...
Flagella are long, hairlike organelles that extend from the cell, permitting it to move. In prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria, the flagella rotate like the propeller of a motorboat. In eukaryotic cells, such as certain protozoa and sperm cells, the flagella whip about and propel the cell....
A keratin protein is an intermediate filament used to provide structural integrity to the hair, skin, and nails. Proteins are made up of amino acids. Where is keratin produced? Keratin is produced in cells called keratinocytes. These cells are found among other epithelial cells that line the su...
FIG. 2 shows the schematic diagram of detail disassembly of the hair scissor of this invention. FIG. 3 shows appearance of the hair scissors of this invention. FIG. 4 shows the disassembly of the hair scissors of this invention. FIG. 5 shows the assembly of the hair scissors of this...
This practice is also good for quality control of the structure. We use MolProbity (Davis et al., 2007) to assess our structure, and sometimes we find an Arg/Gln/His side chain flip that produces better contacts with the RNA. We usually draw a diagram that illustrates the contacts. We ...
Tubulin and basal bodies make up the two main structures of cilia.Tubulinare the hair-like structure of the cilia and are composed of small protein pieces connected to the cell bybasal bodies. These protein pieces are made in the cell and delivered to the tubulin. ...