studies using these new data, those ofGilbert et al.[1973],Jordan and Anderson[1974], andGilbert and Dziewonski[1975] are the most relevant, since these workers made an attempt to invert simultaneously the entire available seismic data set to model the deep structure of the earth's interior...
PROF. MILNE, in reviewing Mr. T. Mellard Reade's book, “The Evolution of Earth Structure, with a Theory of Geomorphic Changes,” emphasises the demand at the present time for some theory which shall explain “pulsatory movements by which large tracts ha
as two of the main sources of seismic ambient vibrations on Earth, oceans and anthropogenic activity, are absent. The oceans on Earth act as a very efficient way to
The soil characteries were mapped using the National Earth System Science Data Center [53]. PCR, amplicon quantification, HiSeq library construction and sequencing The variable V3-V4 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene and fungal ITS1 region were amplified from each sample with the primers ...
For the GEN data set, the genetic distances ΔGEO(X, Y) between two individuals with known latitude and longitude were calculated using the Haversine formula47: , where R is the radius of Earth (for simplicity assumed to be equal to 3,959 miles), δlat=lat2−lat1, and δlon=lon2...
However, these studies primarily focused on the trade problems of major countries, such as China, the United States or Japan. Although some of the literature analyzed international rare earth trade using quantitative method, most of the studies are limited to explaining the reasons of the trade ...
View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Scholar 35 D Chen, L Q Zhang, P T Mathiopoulos, X F Huang A methodology for automated segmentation and reconstruction of urban 3-D buildings from ALS point clouds IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7...
Such a dataset can be used for the development of models of biomass structure, biomass extension factors, change detection in biomass structure, investigations into biodiversity and species distribution and the biodiversity- productivity relationship, as well as the assessment of the carbon pool and ...
If the studied earthquake exceeds a certain magnitude, its seismic waves can be recorded by seismographs located at places everywhere in the world, on the surface of the Earth, in boreholes or abandoned mines, or on the ocean bottom. Generally speaking, at increasing distance from the ...
(2007). Population genetic structure of Earth's largest fish, the whale shark (Rhincodon typus). Mol Ecol 16: 5183–5192. Clement M, Posada D, Crandall KA (2000). TCS: a computer program to estimate gene genealogies. Mol Ecol 9: 1657–1659. Daly-Engel TS, Seraphin KD, Holland KN, ...