cesium-chloride-structure网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 cesium chloride structure 美 英 un.氯化铯型结构英汉 un. 1. 氯化铯型结构 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2024 Microsoft
Jraij. A,Allouche. A. R,Rabilloud. F,Korek. M,Aubert-Frecon. M,Rayane. D,Compagnon. I,Antoine. R,Broyer. M,Dugourd. Ph.Electric dipole, polarizability and structure of cesium chloride clusters with one-excess electron,. The Journal of Chemical Physics . 2006...
A detailed study of the microscopic structure of an electrolyte solution, cesium chloride (CsCl) in water, is presented. For revealing the influence of salt concentration on the structure, CsCl solutions at concentrations of 1.5, 7.5, and 15 mol % are investigated. For each concentration, we co...
分享到: 氯化铯结构 分类: 生物物理|查看相关文献(pubmed)|免费全文文献 详细解释: 以下为句子列表: 分享到:
The CsCl structure is a simple cubic array of chloride ions with a cesium ion at the center of each cubic array. Given that the density of cesium chloride is 3.97 g/cm3, and assuming that the chloride and cesium ions touch along the body diagonal of the cubic unit cell, calculate the ...
ChemInform Abstract: EFFECT OF HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE ON THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CESIUM GOLD CHLORIDE (CS2AUIAUIIICL6)structure (solids and liquidsNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/chin.197832007W. DENNERH. SCHULZH. D'AMOUR...
a=bc,==90o,=120oabc,==90o abc,90o Hexagonal SimplemonoclinicBase-centeredmonoclinicTriclinic -2- -Position Thepositionofanatomisdescribedwithreferencetotheaxesoftheunitcellandtheunitdimensionsofthecell -CrystalDirectionsandPlanes(...
Cs[Na(NH3)6][B10H10]·NH3 was synthesised from cesium and disodium-decahydro-closo-decaborate Na2B10H10 in liquid ammonia, from which it crystallized in form of temperature sensitive colorless plates (triclinic, P1¯, a = 8.4787(7) Å, b = 13.272(1) Å, c = 17.139(2) Å, α...
配位数CrystalStructuresAXTypeRockSaltStructure岩盐结构 CeramicMaterials陶瓷材料 •Inorganicmaterials無機材料•Nonmetallicmaterials非金屬材料•Mostceramicsarecompoundsbetween metallicandnonmetallicelements•Composedofatleasttwoelements,andoftenmore•Atomicbondinginceramicsranges frompurelyionictototallycovalent ionic ...
In an experiment in which the researchers melted a crystal with the structure of the mineral salt cesium chloride, they were shocked to see that the defects remained stable and did not migrate as predicted. The researchers also employed computer simulations to construct crystals with the same ...