Thestructureofcellularnetworks Tobeabletoconstructandanalyzeacellularnetwork,weneed toclearlydefinewhatweidentifyasanodeandwhatwe representwithanedge. Thenodesandedgeshavetobeatleastsimilartoeachother, e.g.representthesametypeofcellularcomponent(protein, ...
(2007). The community structure of human cellular signaling network. Journal of theoretical biology, 247(4), 608-615.Diao Y, Li M, Feng Z et al (2007) The community structure of human cellular signaling network. J Theor Biol 247:608-615...
graph theory has witnessed many exciting developments and has provided answers to a series of practical questions such as: what is the maximum flow per unit time from source to sink in a network of pipes, how to color the regions of a map using the minimum number of colors so that neighbo...
Network functions and signalling for personal roaming between digital cellular standards A possible short-term solution for creating an inter-cellular standard roaming service is presented. An inter-cellular standard roaming service is, for exa... Y Uchiyama,H. Nakamura,M. Yabusaki - 《Proc IEEE ...
In this paper, a learnable cellular neural network (CNN) with space-variant templates and ratio memory (RM) called the RMCNN, is proposed and analyzed. By incorporating both a modified Hebbian learning rule and RM into the CNN architecture, the RMCNN as an associative memory can generate the...
Active modules mark regions of a network that are most active during a given cellular or disease response and can identify important biomarkers, disease mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Conserved modules are revealed through the alignment or comparison of networks across multiple species. Such modules...
Cells regulate gene expression using a complex network of signaling pathways, transcription factors and promoters. To gain insight into the structure and function of these networks, we analyzed gene expression in single- and multiple-mutant strains to build a quantitative model of the Hog1 MAPK-depe...
It is a continuous network of filamentous proteinaceous structures that run throughout the cytoplasm, from the nucleus to the plasma membrane. It is found in all living cells, notably in the eukaryotes. The cytoskeleton matrix is composed of different types of proteins that can divide rapidly or...
Fine structure of an unusual intracellular supporting network in the Leydig cells of Amblystoma epidermis Described by Leydig (1) in 1857, these large, round cells are so common over the body of thelarva that in some 1). Langerhans (4) described a supporting n... ED Hay - 《Journal of...
(Fig.3e). This rescued loop formation efficiently induced transcription ofMyoGandMybph, as evidenced by the detection of nascent RNA products (Supplementary Fig.3f). Collectively, these genetic, biochemical, and cellular imaging results demonstrate that MyoD functions as an anchor protein that ...