-- A characteristic has been proposed for evaluating the activity of the surface of carbon fibres.doi:10.1007/BF00545858G. B. SkripchenkoKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersFibre Chemistry
The structure of carbon fibres consists of stacks of carbon layers oriented parallel to the fibre axis. From X-ray wide-angle scattering studies (WAXS) one obtains various structural parameters characterizing the perfection of the stacking and the orientation of the layers. The latter is ...
Edie, D.J. Johnson, Carbon fibers-present state and future expectation; pitch and mesophase fibers; structure and properties of carbon fibers. in Carbon Fibers Filaments and Composites, 1st edn. ed. by J.L. Figueiredo, C.A. Bernardo, R.T.K. Baker, K.J. Huttinger (Springer, New York,...
aswellasrecentlydevelopedexperimentalcarbonfibers.Adiscussionofnextgenerationcarbon fibersisalsoprovided,withadiscussiononcarbonfiberderivedfromalternativeprecursor materials,aswellashierarchicalcarbonfibercomposites. Keywords A.Carbonfibres B.Mechanicalproperties B.Microstructures D.Fibreconversionprocesses 1 Correspondingauth...
The compressive fracture changes from a shear to a microbuckling mode with increasing the fibre anisotropy.The relation between the thermal expansion and Young's modulus of carbon fibre as well as electric properties are ascribed to the changes in its fine structure. The property structure ...
Impact perforation of carbon fiber reinforced plastic. Compos Sci Technol Low and high velocity impact tests have been undertaken on a series of CFRP laminates in order to examine the perforation process in a fibre reinforced composite. By sectioning and polishing many of the specimens a characterist...
A lightning resistant composite structure, particularly for aircraft, in which a composite skin panel, (10) for example of carbon fibre, is attached to an inner composite structure (11) by one or more lightning resistant fastener assemblies (12). The fastener assembly comprises a nut (21) and...
1d, yellow arrowhead), which continues as a chromatin fibre. These direct observations from individual nucleosomes, together with the distributions of pairwise distances and angles between adjacent nucleosomes from a large population (Fig. 1f), indicate that the native chromatin fibres appear highly ...
发明人: H Waku 国省代号: JP 摘要: A spar (<B>2</B>) is formed by stacking a signal-line layer (<B>52</B>), which includes a resin layer (<B>521</B>) having a plurality of signal lines (<B>522</B>) embedded therein, on a carbon-fiber prepreg (<B>51</B>).收藏...
IN a recent letter we drew attention to the fact that carbon fibres with a range of mechanical properties 1 could be produced by a method developed at the Royal Aircraft Establishment 2 . These fibres are made from an oriented textile fibre and there is no evidence to suggest that the ...