(5) larger in veins than in arteries tunica intima A tunica media B tunica externa C tunica media 1 artery a vein b tunica externa 3 tunica intima 2 mediastinum contains heart, pericardium, great vessels of the heart, trachea, esophagus, and thymus gland fibrous pericardium has fat associated...
Various arteries, veins, and lymph nodes provide blood and lymph supply to the breasts. The network of connective tissue and ligaments provide support and shape to the glands. The nipple The nipple is a conical protrusion present at the center of the breast surrounded by a pigmented area of s...
veins Type of blood vessel involved in the exchange of nutrients and gasses between the blood and the cells. capillary What vessel it the first to leave the heart ? Aorta What are the smallest arteries called? arterioles What type of blood vessel is formed when capillaries unite? venules What...