The global structure of the Internet reflects a shift in the geography of telecommunications networks and the emergence of a network of network cities. To cope with this challenge, urban planners are urged to address three issues: dependency on other cities and urban areas, accessibility to global...
1). In this method, each narrative is transformed into a network of interconnected events based on semantic similarity measured from sentence embedding distances (the semantic narrative network). We then calculate semantic centrality for each event as the node degree, a graph metric which quantif...
a379-nodes large-scale BNMs were constructed from person-specific white matter connectomes estimated with dwMRI tractography. In addition, a simplified network with only two nodes (but identical node dynamics) was used to create E/I-ratio tuning curves (Fig.4).bIn previous BNM studies long-rang...
We used contrast agent enhanced fMRI (3T, Siemens) to investigate the functional network of 3D-SFM beyond FST in the macaque (Macaca mulatta). Two passively fixating monkeys were scanned while the 3D-SFM stimuli were presented foveally. The randomly textured (~50% 0.03° - 0.1° black dots...
This paper states that the philosophical viewpoint of "Laozi" is that the universe can be a network structure,"Dao" generates the entire universe,"Dao" goes through the whole universal network and that "Dao" has effects on everything in the forms of the "feminine principle",the "masculine ...
{"type":"Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines","apiVersion":"2023-03-01","name":"[variables('vmName')]", // to customize name, change it in variables"location":"[parameters('location')]", //defaults to resource group location"dependsOn": [ /* storage account and network interface must ...
information system, taking the connection between websites of agricultural information as the starting point, constructs the network structure of agricultural information website and analyzes the discrepancy between the recognition of one website toward another and the recognition of a user toward a web...
In this work, we propose a novel model for simultaneously detecting the potential communities and the top-k SH spanners, using only the topological structure of the network. Specifically, we discuss HAM from another perspective and view it as weighted spectral ratio-cut partitioning. Based on anal...
The emergence of detailed maps of physical networks, such as the brain connectome, vascular networks or composite networks in metamaterials, whose nodes and links are physical entities, has demonstrated the limits of the current network science toolset. Link physicality imposes a non-crossing condition...
The characterization of topology is crucial in understanding network evolution and behavior. This paper presents an innovative approach, the GHuST framework to describe complex-network topology from graphlet decomposition. This new framework exploits the