G. et al. Function of the cytochrome bc1-aa3 branch of the respiratory network in mycobacteria and network adaptation occurring in response to its disruption. J. Bacteriol. 187, 6300–6308 (2005). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Sone, N. et al. A novel hydrophobic di...
// 声明1(加 inline,建议使用) inline int functionName(int first, int second,...); // 声明2(不加 inline) int functionName(int first, int second,...); // 定义 inline int functionName(int first, int second,...) {/***/}; // 类内定义,隐式内联 class A { int doA() { return...
EM-family algorithms are usually used for optimizing the likelihood function parameters, or filling missing values in data. • An emerging subfield of cluster analysis comprises knowledge-based clustering approaches that utilize available background knowledge on the clustering problem. Books by Gordon (...
If any of these function returns a value it is treated as the response immediately. If the URL didn’t match a route a few steps ago, that error is raised now. The route() decorated view function associated with the matched URL is called and returns a value to be used as the ...
Theplotly.graph_objectsmodule contains an automatically-generated hierarchy of Python classeswhich represent non-leaf attributes in the figure schema and provide a Pythonic API for them. Whenmanipulating aplotly.graph_objects.Figureobject, attributes can be set either directly using Python object attribute...
then go to a directory where you want to create your project and run: Template generator will ask you to fill some variables. The input variables, with their default values: ParameterDefault valueDescription project_namepython-projectCheck the availability of possible namebefore creating the project...
We use essential cookies to make sure the site can function. We also use optional cookies for advertising, personalisation of content, usage analysis, and social media. By accepting optional cookies, you consent to the processing of your personal data - including transfers to third parties. Some...
CNA maintains the efficiency of FIRST such that the analysis of a single protein structure takes a few seconds for systems of several hundred residues on a single core. These features make CNA an interesting tool for linking biomacromolecular structure, flexibility, (thermo-)stability, and function...
PLSR analysis was conducted using the PLSRegression function in the Python 3.7 sklearn.cross_decomposition machine learning statistical module. Using a k-fold cross-validation technique, environmental variables were selected by calculating the mean squared error (MSE) and determining the optimal configurat...
Python>=3.6 Pytorch>=1.0 Usage: fromDISTS_pytorchimportDISTSD=DISTS()# calculate DISTS between X, Y (a batch of RGB images, data range: 0~1)# X: (N,C,H,W)# Y: (N,C,H,W)dists_value=D(X,Y)# set 'require_grad=True, batch_average=True' to get a scalar value as loss....