The flowers of Amborella are actinomorphic and have a perianth of undifferentiated tepals, which are characteristics shared with the reconstructed ancestral flower (Fig. 1)9. Importantly, however, Amborella is dioecious10 with ZW sex chromosomes that evolved after the lineage diverged from other ...
mass of sugars in the nectar was 0.54 mg/flower.S. carniolicaproduced sucrose-dominant nectar with no glucose. The sugar proportions did not differ during the flowering season. On average, 1.95 mg of pollen per flower was produced. Among floral visitors, bumblebees were most frequently noted,...
Monitoring forage in livestock operations is critical to sustainable rangeland management of soil and ecological processes that provide both livestock and wildlife habitat. Traditional ground-based sampling methods have been widely used and provide valua
METHOD m_nubutiof shouldNotDiscard (Lnet/minecraft/unmapped/C_rlomrsco;F)Z ARG 0 random ARG 1 chance METHOD m_pgpwuphi shouldPlace (Lnet/minecraft/unmapped/C_txtbiemp;Ljava/util/function/Function;Lnet/minecraft/unmapped/C_rlomrsco;Lnet/minecraft/unmapped/C_eqizccfd;Lnet/minecraft/unmapped...
Nielsen A (1950) An Investigation on Promoted Iron Catalysts for the Synthesis of Ammonia. Jul Gjelleup Copenhagen. Google Scholar Nielsen A (1970) Catal Rev 4: 1. CASGoogle Scholar Nielsen A (1977) Fert Sci Technol Ser 2: 87. Google Scholar ...
of the genomes ofC. illinoinensis, E. roxburghiana,J. mandshurica,J. microcarpa, J. regia,P. strobilaceaandR. chiliantha(Fig.2b). The first peak ofKswas 0.17 forR. chiliantha, whereas it was 0.36–0.48 for the other six species. The second peak ofKsfor all species was narrow, ...
Figure 1. The Structure of the Sec61 Translocon Inhibited by Mycolactone (A) The structure of mycolactone A/B (743 Da). The 12-membered lactone core is indicated, as are the two polyketide side chains, commonly referred to as the northern and southern chains. Mycolactone A/B is a 3:...
Moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia) is an underutilized, protein-rich legume that is grown in arid and semi-arid areas of south Asia and is highly resistant to abiotic stresses such as heat and drought. Despite its economic importance, the crop remains unexpl
equally recurrent is the emergence of substitutive, i.e. evolutionary innovative, nectar-producing structures. Floral nectaries possess a certain degree of evolutionary inertia, i.e. they remain stable even in lineages in which flower morphology underwent significant changes compared with an ancestral...
The complexity of the upstream MKKs and downstream substrates suggests that plant MPKs should possess specific mechanisms to accurately interact with these MKKs and substrates. Crystal structures are useful for understanding these mechanisms; however, no crystal structure of a plant MPK has yet been ...