The theoretical considerations supported by the results obtained allow to predict the existence of the double salt 2 CsCl · CoCl2 · 2 H2O as well as the type of its crystal structure - triclinic, space group P.doi:10.1002/crat.2170230807...
CsCl晶体 1. The proposed equation of state has been used to compute the pressure-volume behavior of NaCl crystal in the pressure range 0~30 GPa and CsCl crystal in the pressure range(0~40 GPa. 计算了室温下NaCl晶体在0~30 GPa压强范围内、CsCl晶体在0~40 GPa压强范围内的相对体积以及NaCl晶体...
The following three-component systems have been studied: CsClMnCl2H2O at 25 °C; 2 CsCl · CuCl2 · 2 H2O—2 CsCl · CoCl2H2O at 10 °C and 2 CsCl · MnCl2 · 2 H2O—2 CsCl · CoCl2H2O at 25 °C and 10 °C. It was established that Co2+-ions do not substitute isodimorph...
Crystal structure of a new telluric add adduct: Te(OH)6 · 2 CsClclass=Image/>id=Imagedoi:10.1524/zkri.1988.182.14.291M.T.Averbuch-PouchotWalter de Gruyter GmbHZeitschrift Für Kristallographie Crystalline Materials
CsCl-like topologyMagnetic propertyOne Co(II) coordination polymer with 4-hydroxypyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid (H3L)-[Co1.5L(H2O)4]n (1) has been fabricated under hydrothermal condition through reaction of Co(OH)2 and H3L with mole ratio of 1:1. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis...
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal StructuresM. Schluter and W. Jeitschko, Crystal structure of the gallium-rich intermetallic compound Sm2Ru5Ga9 with a new superstructure of the CsCl-type, Ζ. Kristallogr. NCS 217 (2002) 27-28....
crystal field interactionsmagnesium alloysmagnetic structureneutron diffraction examination of materialssilver alloyszinc alloys/ crystal fieldCeAgCeZnNeutron diffraction and spectroscopy experiments have been performed on the cubic (CsCl-type structure) compounds CeAg, CeZn and CeMg. CeAg orders ferromagnetic...
We observe in the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity of the CsCl-type alloys YCu, LaCd and in the pseudobinary system LaAg x In 1- x a hysteresis which is typical of a martensitic crystal structure transformation. The X-ray spectra of polycrystalline samples show at low ...
Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter .1995(3)Divis M,Kuriplach J.Crystal field in rare earth intermetallics with CsCl structure.Physica B. 1995Crystal field in rare earth intermetallics with CsCl structure. Divis M,Kuriplach J. Physica B Condensed Matter . 1995...
The theoretical considerations supported by the results obtained allow to predict the existence of the double salt 2 CsCl · CoCl 2 · 2 H 2 O as well as the type of its crystal structure - triclinic, space group P .Dr. Christo Balarew...