the first multiomics analysis and high-resolution insights into the structure and function of the porcine intestinal tract archaeome during a non-lethal Influenza A virus infection of the respiratory tract, demonstrating significant alterations in archaeal community composition a...
The fine structure of clear fibroblast-like cells in the lamina propria of the small intestine A characteristic type of mesenchymal cell was found to be consistently present in the lamina propria of rat and rabbit ileum. These cells are characterized by a very low density of the cytoplasmic matr...
Liver:All the blood leaving thestomachand intestines passes through the liver. The primary function of the liver is to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body. The liver also helps in digesting the food and ridding thebodyof toxic substance...
Describe the function of the digestive system, and differentiate between organs of the alimentary canal and the accessory organs or structures. Describe the structure and functions of the large intestine and identify its specialized ...
These differences probably relate to receptor differences between rodents and humans. Luminal exposure of human or rodent colon or ileum to toxins causes actin filament disaggregation in enterocytes resulting in increased paracellular permeability. This is followed by an acute inflammatory reaction in the ...
Compare and contrast the histology, morphology, and function of the tree different parts of the digestive tract. be sure to include the function of the ileum, duodenum, and colon. relate the structure and thickness of each tissue layer to the function of ...
Toxins A and B from Clostridium difficile mediate the tissue damage, diarrhea and intestinal inflammation which occur during infection with this pathogen. The toxins are encoded by two genes tox A and tox B which lie in close proximity on the bacterial c
Overview of the anatomy, location and function of the abdominopelvic region. Learn more about this topic at Kenhub!
structure of tongue teeth humans are diphyodont i.e. they have two sets of teeth- milk or deciduous and permanent teeth. here is the list of different types of teeth in humans with their functions. type of teeth function incisors used for cutting canines used for...
Compare/contrast the structure and function of tight junction, desmosomes, gap junction, and plasmodesmata. Cell junctions Every living being is built from cells, similar to the way an office building is made up of different rooms. If every room was isolated, ...