The ocean basins : their structure and evolution prepared by John Wright and David A. Rothery (Oceanography series, v. 1) Butterworth-Heinemann, in associetion with the Open University ,1998 2nd ed. / revised for the course team by David A. Rothery...
[1] The aim of this project was to study the deep-sea basins of the Atlantic Ocean. Described in this paper are the morphology and deep crustal structure of the Argentine, Brazil, Cape, Angola, North American, Newfoundland, Canary, Sierra Leone, Iberia, and West-European basins. It is sh...
The polychaete fauna of the deep Southern Ocean has been found to be similarly speciose and diverse compared with deep-sea basins worldwide. Also, in depths below 2,000 m many polychaete species do not seem to be endemic for certain areas but are rather far spread within the Southern Ocean...
Explain the function of the process 4. Scientific theory To describe and explain patterns of thinking about observed Give the hypothesis, question, or problem phenomena in the world and Describe the theory tests of those patterns such as Explain tests of its validity the theory of evolution and ...
Jokat W, Micksch U (2004) Sedimentary structure of the Nansen and Amundsen basins, Arctic Ocean. Geophys Res Lett 31:L02603. doi:10.1029/2003GL018352Jokat, W., and U. Micksch (2004), Sedimentary structure of the Nansen and Amundsen basins, Arctic Ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L...
Structure of ridges and basins off East Siberia along 81 degrees N, Arctic Ocean. Mar Petrol Geol. 64, 222-232.Jokat, W., Ickrath, M., 2015. Structure of ridges and basins off East Siberia along 81 degrees N, Arctic Ocean. Mar. Petrol. Geol. 64, 222-232....
Sedimentary basins of the Tethys and Arctic Ocean: the analysis of their deep structureRodnikov AlexanderSearch & Discovery
Ecosystem structure was projected to shift as animal biomass concentrated in different size‐classes across ocean basins and emissions scenarios. We highlight that climate change mitigation measures could moderate the impacts on marine animal biomass by reducing biomass declines in the Pacific, Atlantic,...
Acknowledgements - The Ocean Basins: Their Structure and Evolution (Second Edition)ELSEVIEROcean Basins Their Structure & Evolution
doi:10.1016/0198-0254(82)90192-3NoneDeep Sea Research Part B Oceanographic Literature Review