Reasoning about pipelines with structural hazards - Aagaard, Leeser - 1994 () Citation Context ...le to complete, we now need Delay circuits. The Delay circuits in turn require us to add Select circuits to act as bypasses. The logic controlling the Select circuits is not shown. Aagaard and...
We have developed a formal definition of correctness for pipelines that ensures that transactions terminate and satisfy a functional specification. This definition separates the correctness criteria associated with the pipelining aspects of a design from the functional relationship between input and output tr...
For example, a structural hazard would occur if a processor tried to use the same memory port for both instructions and data. Structural hazards commonly are overcome by pipelining MIPS instruction sets. Was this Article helpful? Yes No About the author Webopedia Staff Since 1995, more ...
RHK.SP96 1RHK.SP96 2Stanford 5.0 4.97 -0.03 1 1 0 MIT 4.9 4.91 0.01 2 2 0 CMU 4.8 4.76 -0.04 3 4 -1Cornell 4.3 4.64 0.34 5 5 0 Illinois 3.8 4.09 0.29 6 8 -2 UCLA 3.8 na 6 na Yale 3.5 na 8 na U.Wash. 3.4 4.04 0.64 9 9 0 USC 3.2 na 10 na UT/Austin 3.2 4.18 ...