To produce a slab, balls are piled up between steel plates to the required slab dimensions and resistance welded. They are then placed between lost shuttering and all voids between them are filled up by concrete. Several such slabs can be joined to each other or to walls at right angles ...
公开/公告日期: 2008-06-01 申请(专利权)人: UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE CATALUNYA 发明人: SB Alfons 摘要: The structural element has a slab of concrete and a metal frame is provided at the edge of the slab. The slab of concrete is resting on the metal framework.收藏...
专利名称:Precast structural concrete slab for slab track and process for installing the same 发明人:Albajar Molera, Luis Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos 申请号:EP08005317.6 申请日:20080320 公开号:EP1972719A1 公开日:20080924 专利内容由知识产权出版社提供 专利附图:摘要:A ...
掌桥科研收录1989年以来所有《Structural concrete》期刊内所有文献,+期刊简介,《Structural concrete》期刊刊频为Quarterly,+ISSN为1464-4177,+CN为-
loads;shearandtorsion;developmentandsplicesofreinforcement;slabsystems;walls;footings;precastconcrete;compositeflexuralmembers; prestressedconcrete;shellsandfoldedplatemembers;strengthevaluationofexistingstructures;specialprovisionsforseismicdesign;structural plainconcrete;analternatedesignmethodinAppendixA;unifieddesignprovision...
slabsystems;walls;footings;precastconcrete;compositeflexuralmembers;prestressedconcrete;shellsandfoldedplate members;strengthevaluationofexistingstructures;specialprovisionsforseismicdesign;structuralplainconcrete; strut-and-tiemodelinginAppendixA;alternativedesignprovisionsinAppendixB;alternativeloadandstrength-reduc- ...
This paper describes the SHM strategy implemented on a recently constructed building to monitor and record the behaviour of a hybrid concrete lattice girder flat slab floor system. Hybrid concrete construction (HCC) combines insitu and precast concrete to maximise the benefits of both forms of ...
Hand Drawn Detail [手绘大样]/Steel Structure [钢结构]/Structural Design Code [结构设计规范] [手绘大样][Detail Drawing] 钢梁与混凝土梁的铰接连接(一)[Hinged connection between steel and concrete beams] 实干、实践、积累、思考、创新。 钢梁与混凝土梁的较接连接(一) 相关话题 ( Related Topics) [01]...
Said structural slab () is fabricated with a horizontal array of said elongated members (), a plurality of blocks of isolating material () arranged between the same, a mesh () made of metal, or another suitable material, arranged on the same and a concrete element () working as a ...
slab systems; walls; footings; precast concrete; composite flexural members; prestressed concrete; shells and folded plate members; strength evaluation of existing structures; provisions for seismic design; structural plain concrete; strut-and-tie modeling in Appendix A; alternative design provisions in...