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Structural analysis of a dragonfly wing. Exp. Mech. 50, 1323–1334 (2010). Article Google Scholar Kodali, D., Medina, C., Kang, C. K. & Aono, H. Effects of spanwise flexibility on the performance of flapping flyers in forward flight. J. R. Soc. Interface 14, 20170725 (2017). ...
The black soldier fly (BSF) Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) plays a significant role at the larval stage in the circular economy due to its ability to convert organic waste into valuable products for energy, food, feed, and agricultural applic
Aerodynamic Design and Strength Analysis of the Wing for the Purpose of Assessing the Influence of the Bell-Shaped Lift Distribution This article deals with aerodynamic and structural calculations of several wing designs to compare the influence of the shape on the lift distribution. Var... A Prach...
Mechanical properties and mechanism analysis The predesigned hydrogel integral synchronous assembly strategy is universal and scalable for building complex bioinspired structures, through which a structural material with a rigid cavity-wall structure was fabricated. Moreover, sandwich structural material (SSM)...
dragonflyThe flapping of the dragonfly forewing under in vivo condition has been analysed by image correlation technique to get an insight of its structural dynamics. The modal parameters such as flapping frequency, natural frequencies, mode shapes and modal strain have been obtained that will ...
Our results help to understand the relationship between the structure, material and function of each of these wing components in complex dragonfly wings. We further use our data to explain how the interactions between the wing components provide dragonflies with fully functional wings....
Presenting a novel framework for sustainable and regenerative design and development is a fundamental future need. Here we argue that a new framework, referred to as complexity biomechanics, which can be used for holistic analysis and understanding of natural mechanical systems, is key to fulfilling ...
The study shows that, at low Reynolds numbers, the corrugation does not provide any aerodynamic benefit compared with a flat plate. Instead, the corrugated airfoil generates more drag than the flat plate. Structural analysis shows that the wing corrugation can increase the resistance to bending ...
Mechanical properties and mechanism analysis The predesigned hydrogel integral synchronous assembly strategy is universal and scalable for building complex bioinspired structures, through which a structural material with a rigid cavity-wall structure was fabricated. Moreover, sandwich structural material (SSM)...