Butterfly adaptations that deter predators don't always involve hiding or pretending to be something else. Sometimes butterflies are the complete opposite of camouflaged. They advertise themselves, a phenomenon known asaposematism. Just like the bright yellow and black stripes of wasps and bees warn...
We performed a special set of analyses and introduced an algorithm for the complete Cumulative Variation Partitioning with Multiple Response and Predictor Matrices and its graphical representation (CUVARP method and diagram). The algorithm for these analyses comprised the following steps: (1) The native...
Noren SR, Williams TM (2000) Body size and skeletal muscle myoglobin of cetaceans: adaptations for maximizing dive duration. Comp Biochem Physiol A 126:181–191 Article CAS Google Scholar Perutz MF, Imai K (1980) Regulation of oxygen affinity of mammalian hemoglobins. J Mol Biol 136:183–19...
Ticks have been successful as ectoparasites due to morphological and physiological adaptations [1]. As obligate hematophagous (blood-sucking) arthropods, ticks transmit various bacterial and viral diseases, e.g., babesiosis, theileriosis, anaplasmosis, Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis, and...
The planarian Schmidtea mediterranea is being studied as a model species for regeneration, but the assembly of planarian genomes remains challenging. Here, we report a high-quality haplotype-phased, chromosome-scale genome assembly of the sexual S2 strai