编译器不需要知道 struct sqlite3_stmt 的定义,就可以用来定义一个指针,因为指针的 size 是确定的,...
sqlStr := "insert into user(name, age) values (?,?)"stmt, err :=db.Prepare(sqlStr)if err !=nil { fmt.Printf("prepare failed, err:%v\n", err)return} defer stmt.Close() _, err= stmt.Exec("小王子", 18)if err !=nil { fmt.Printf("insert failed, err:%v\n", err)return}...
Your Question 同一项目不同框架开发下,其中一种报以下错误! # gorm.io/plugin/dbresolver ...\pkg\mod\gorm.io\plugin\dbresolver@v1.1.0\dbresolver.go:139:18: cannot use map[string]gorm.Stmt{} (value of type map[string]gorm.Stmt) as type map[string]*gorm.Stm
Support MySQL, PosgreSQL and SQLite3. Support connection pool. Performance Qbs.Find is about 60% faster on mysql, 130% faster on postgreSQL than raw Db.Query, about 20% slower than raw Stmt.Query. (benchmarked on windows). The reason why it is faster than Db.Query is because all prepa...
//#include "CppSQLite3.h" //--- set<AnsiString> HOracle::BlackList; //Add by Liaoyangbo //增加大对象类型列表 set<AnsiString> HOracle::BlobList; //End by Liaoyangbo //Add by Liaoyangbo void__fastcall HOracle::prepareBlob(void) { staticchar*BlobMeta[...
//#include "CppSQLite3.h" //--- set<AnsiString> HOracle::BlackList; //Add by Liaoyangbo //增加大对象类型列表 set<AnsiString> HOracle::BlobList; //End by Liaoyangbo //Add by Liaoyangbo void__fastcall HOracle::prepareBlob(void) { staticchar*BlobMeta[...
Support MySQL, PosgreSQL and SQLite3. Support connection pool. Performance Qbs.Findis about 60% faster on mysql, 130% faster on postgreSQL than rawDb.Query, about 20% slower than rawStmt.Query. (benchmarked on windows). The reason why it is faster thanDb.Queryis because all prepared Stat...