int fbfd = 0; struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo; struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo; long int screensize = 0; struct fb_bitfield red; struct fb_bitfield green; struct fb_bitfield blue; //打开显示设备 fbfd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR); if (!fbfd) { printf("Error: cannot open framebuffe...
有时候我们会遇到内核堆栈越界的情况,越界就是栈变量向下扩展的时候,踩到了thread_info结构的成员。 这时会遇到:Thread overran stack, or stack corrupted 这样的打印,判断的标准就是thread_info的上面留了一个magic特征字: #defineSTACK_END_MAGIC 0x57AC6E9D 以下面例子来说明: crash>structthread_infostructthre...
linux2.4与2.6内核中struct fb_ops区别 /release and usage marking */ struct module *owner; int (*fb_open)(struct fb_info *info, int user 2019-04-02 14:36:51 struct结构体的基本语法 1. struct 结构体 基本语法 struct myabc{ unsigned int a; unsigned int b; unsignedint hjhdf 2021-12...
unsigned long fb_base; // frame buffer的基址 #ifdef CONFIG_VFD unsigned char vfd_type; /* display type */ #endif #if 0 unsigned long cpu_clk; /* CPU clock in Hz! */ unsigned long bus_clk; unsigned long ram_size; /* RAM size */ ...
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Target = VD->getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc(); } } else if (const auto *ME = dyn_cast<MemberExpr>(Fn)) {const auto *MD = ME->getMemberDecl(); if (const auto *FD = dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(MD)) {Target = FD->getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc();...
==287389==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: stack-buffer-overflow on address 0x7ffff41ff0e1 at pc 0x555555fb451b bp 0x7ffff4cfe390 sp 0x7ffff4cfe388 READ of size 1 at 0x7ffff41ff0e1 thread T1 ... running 1 test AddressSanitizer:DEADLYSIGNAL ...
9FBC6E47-7508-58C9-9E76-528E118C*** GroupId long 资产分组的 ID。 958*** GroupName string 服务器分组名称。 TestGroupName MachineNum integer 服务器的数量。 30 GroupIndex integer 排序序号。 1 GroupFather integer 分组父节点。 958*** GroupLevel integer 应用分组的级别。 2 GroupFlag integer...