DECLARE_BITMAP(bitmap, MAX_PRIO+1); /* include 1 bit for delimiter */ /*开辟MAX_PRIO + 1个bit的空间, 当某一个优先级的task正处于TASK_RUNNING状态时, 其优先级对应的二进制位将会被标记为1, 因此当你需要找此时需要运行的最高的优先级时, 只需要找到bitmap的哪一位被标记为1了即可*/ struct ...
char ciClrImportant[4]; //指定重要的颜色数,当该域的值等于颜色数时(或者等于0时),表示所有颜色都一样重要 }__attribute__((packed)) BITMAPINFOHEADER; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 编程过程当中需要多加关注...
Drawing.Bitmap? Can I do a Visual Basic (VB) Stop in C#? Can I have mutiple app.config files? Can I have two methods with the same name and same number of parameters like Ruby? can I query a struct (or class) to get a list of it's attributes and data types? Can I sell a ...
struct 中有指针,记得要写析构函数 struct ImageInfo { BITMAPINFO header; void* image; ~ImageInfo() { if(image!=NULL) { delete image; } } }; 要不会有内在泄漏!
Drawing.Bitmap? Can I do a Visual Basic (VB) Stop in C#? Can I have mutiple app.config files? Can I have two methods with the same name and same number of parameters like Ruby? can I query a struct (or class) to get a list of it's attributes and data types? Can I sell a ...
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(tileSize.Width, tileSize.Height); // Populate the GridStrip control with ToolStripButton controls. for (int i = 0; i < this.tableSettings.ColumnCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.tableSettings.RowCount; j++) { // Create a new ToolStripButton contro...
pack函数就把id, tag, version, count按照指定的格式转换成了结构体Header,ss现在是一个字符串(实际上是类似于c结构体的字节流),可以通过 socket.send(ss)把这个字符串发送出去。 例子2: import struct a=12.34 #将a变为二进制 bytes=struct.pack('i',a) ...
子线程的area header: struct malloc_state{ mutex_t mutex; int flags; mfastbinptr fastbinsY[NFASTBINS];//快表 mchunkptr top; mchunkptr last_remainder; mchunkptr bins[NBINS*2-2]; unsigned int binmap[BINMAPSIZE]; struct malloc_state *next; ...
Each zone bitmap contains 2 bits per chunk. All zones are 4 MB in size regardless of the chunk sizes they manage. Default zones are created in the constructor for sizes: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 bytes. Zones are created on demand for larger allocations or...