OSHA Focus Four Toolbox Talk:Equipment and Falling Objects Infographics: Stop the Drop (EnglishPDF&JPEG) How Heavy is Deadly? (EnglishPDF&JPEG, SpanishPDF&JPEG) Webinars & Videos: Preventing Struck-by Incidents from Dropped Tools & Other Objects:Recording&PDF of Slides ...
If precautions are not taken seriously, it is easy to be caught-in, caught-between, or struck by objects, leading to serious injuries. People with limited mobility, lack of range of motion, or diminished reaction time are at higher risk. Caught-in or Between Accidents OSHA lists "caught ...
Construction work mainly involves manual tasks and has a high risk of safety-related accidents due to the frequently changing working environment. Major accidents at construction sites with high risk and frequency are falls, electrocutions, struck-by, and caught-in/-between. Therefore, in this stud...