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下载Stronghold Crusader: Definitive Edition Demo 要塞十字军东征:决定版 此游戏尚未在 Steam 上推出 计划发行日期:2025 年 7 月 15 日 离此游戏计划的解锁时间还有大约:4 个月 感兴趣吗? 将此游戏添加至您的愿望单,以便在游戏推出时收到通知。 添加至您的愿望单 ...
您的官方STRONGHOLD CRUSADER HD STEAM KEY為您提供: 選擇在四個歷史戰役中加入十字軍或薩拉丁軍隊。 100個獨特的小衝突任務,通過戰鬥,每個都比上一個更具挑戰性。 沙漠堡壘設計和建造,具有工作經濟和殘酷的殺戮區。 指揮具有獨特能力的新單位,如隱形刺客和敏捷騎兵弓箭手。
Steam Deck compatibility Playable Age rating Score GamersGate score 4.00 based on 116 ratings About this game Stronghold Crusader 2 is the long awaited sequel to Stronghold: Crusader, the original 'castle sim'. After 12 years Stronghold returns to the deserts of the Middle East circa 1189, with...
Journey to distant lands renowned for brave warriors and fearsome weaponry in FireFly Studios' Stronghold: Crusader. This highly anticipated successor to the bestselling Stronghold combines the finest aspects from a city builder and a real-time strategy.
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User bought Stronghold Crusader 2 EN/DE/FR/IT Global from: After the disastrous Stronghold 3, Firefly rescued themselves and deliver a good castle sim/ RTS again.SHC 2 is a very good stronghold game, for me it is somehow a remake of the first crusader, with some elements changed, to ...
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