、'hurricane Michael is the strongest hurricane to hit the USA.D. It may take some tim
Hurricane Matthew: Strongest Hurricane to Hit Haiti in a GenerationIn just 36 hours hurricane Matthew went from a tropical stormtickling Caribbean islands to a...Lindsay, Rowena
aThe deadliest hurricane to hit the Gulf Coast in 2005, it was ranked as the sixth strongest overall to hit the United States. It was also one of the costliest with estimated property damages of US $81 billion. 击中海湾海岸的最致命的飓风, 2005年它排列作为第六强的总体击中美国。 它也是一...
While Laura packs stronger winds, it is not predicted to wreak as much havoc as Hurricane Katrina, which was a disaster primarily because of the failure of the levees, says Chen. Though Cameron Parish, a community in the southwest corner of Louisiana, has borne the brunt of Laura's wrath ...
You send them up the sails of a ship tossing in a hurricane. You take them to Belize. You make a man out of them, against their will and better judgment. If, instead, you start with characterization, you’ll fall in love with your character prematurely. This is a real danger. How ...
014-09-15 21:17:56) Odile Ravages Cabo San Lucas, Strongest Known Hurricane to Hit Baja Peninsula (Posted 2014-09-15 21:17:56)Odile Ravages Cabo San Lucas, Strongest Known Hurricane to Hit Baja Peninsula (Posted 2014-09-15 21:17:56)Samenow, Jason...
Hurricane Patricia Hits Central Mexican Coastline ; Storm Is Believed to Be Strongest Ever to Hit Modern-Day North AmericaMEXICO CITY - The strongest hurricane ever to bear down on Mexicounleashed 190 mile-per-hour...Johnson, Tim
Hurricane Fabian Pounds Bermuda; Strongest Storm to Hit Islands in 50 Years Causes Extensive DamageMarc Kaufman