In many other contexts, like automatic health monitoring or commercial applications, privacy and confidentiality are both fundamental [61]. Data confidentiality needs to be enforced through access control policies, to prevent misuse of information by unintended parties. Privacy must be addressed when ...
In this study, we decipher the molecular mechanisms behind tooth formation in the Common LimpetPatella vulgata, recreate this process in organotypic cultures and exploit its fundamental principles to create an analogous biocomposite of interlaced chitin fibres and iron oxide in the form of haematite (...
Why They're Strong: In a fight against Mahito, the best anybody can hope for is to come out alive and maybe do a little bit of damage in the meantime. All he has to do to completely undo someone's existence at the most fundamental level is touch them. He also posses...
In terms of supply, the specific purposes of the informal payments differentiate the two schools in two fundamental aspects. First, in the services they offer – as seen in Table 3; the quality and number of services and the amount spent on them are much greater in the 13th Gymnasium ...
Why They're Strong: In a fight against Mahito, the best anybody can hope for is to come out alive and maybe do a little bit of damage in the meantime. All he has to do to completely undo someone's existence at the most fundamental level is touch them. He also posses...
Why They're Strong: In a fight against Mahito, the best anybody can hope for is to come out alive and maybe do a little bit of damage in the meantime. All he has to do to completely undo someone's existence at the most fundamental level is touch them. He also posses...
Why They're Strong: In a fight against Mahito, the best anybody can hope for is to come out alive and maybe do a little bit of damage in the meantime. All he has to do to completely undo someone's existence at the most fundamental level is touch them. He also posses...
sinicus one of the most promising economic bamboo species in southern China. In nature, D. sinicus has two main stable culm-shape variants: the straight type and bending type [31]. They thrive in lateritic soil and inhabit environments, which share notable similarities. However, the narrow ...
sinicus one of the most promising economic bamboo species in southern China. In nature, D. sinicus has two main stable culm-shape variants: the straight type and bending type [31]. They thrive in lateritic soil and inhabit environments, which share notable similarities. However, the narrow ...