Not only is she the most powerful CN character, she's also my favorite of the Titans, tied with Robin. While the extremely infamous reboot (which is decent in my opinion) turned her into a brony, the same goes for that show too. Bruh, Uncle Grandpa not included? He literally is the...
An unexpected member of theTeen Titanshelps make up one of DC's best vampire-hunting squads. The Teen Titan in question is M'gann M'orzz — also known as Miss Martian, the niece of Martian Manhunter. Still a relatively new character in the DC Universe with just under two decades of ex...
This is why the Justice Titans is such an absurdly powerfuly idea: because neither team is weaker than the other, bringing them together makes something far stronger. The Justice Titans are made up of fun mashups of every character from both rosters (except for the Flash, who is a staple ...