main函数实现 typedefvoid(^Block)(void);intmain(intargc,constchar*argv[]){@autoreleasepool{intno=20;__blockintage=10;NSObject*object=[[NSObject alloc]init];__weak NSObject*weakObject=object;Block block=^{age=20;NSLog(@"%d",no);NSLog(@"%d",age);NSLog(@"%p",weakObject);};struct__ma...
如下: typedefvoid(^block)();@property(copy,nonatomic)block myBlock;@property(copy,nonatomic)NSString*blockString;-(void)testBlock;{self.myBlock=^(){NSString*localString=self.blockString;//2.NSString *localString = _blockString;//3.[self doSomething];};} 调用以上三句均会造成循环引用,因为...
//定义block别名。 typedef void (^LYItemOption)(); @interface LYItemArrow : LYItem @property(nonatomic,strong) Class desController; @property(nonatomic,copy) LYItemOption option; 1.strong :除NSString\block以外的OC对象 @property(nonatomic,strong) NSArray *<#model#>; 2.weak:各种UI控件(但不是...
typedef struct objc_object *id 0 -- 从0开始 0-8 : -- 代表sel,方法编号 8 -- 8-16 而v24@0:8@16中的 v -- void 无返回值 更多的可以查看官网的以下列表 Type encoding表 clang编译后的属性的attribute clang编译输出了属性的attribute,同样也可以通过property_getAttributes方法获取 ...
typedef long dispatch_once_t dispatch_once() dispatch_once_f() 然后,还想记录一下自己的生活吧。 昨天老婆给阿妈买了一银镯子。不喜欢。今天会亲自去挑。 已经买了周五去兴宁周六回广州的火车票。再过三天,就可以和老婆孩子一起生活了。我要好好努力,每天都要大进步,给他们世界最好的生活。
typedef int (^MyBlock)(int, int); int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { /* int (^minusBlock) (int, int) = ^(int a, int b){ return a - b; }; int (^multiBlock) (int, int) = ^(int a, int b){ ...
typedef objc_object ** weak_referrer_t; struct weak_entry_t DisguisedPtr<objc_object> referent; //范型 union { struct weak_referrer_t *referrers; uintptr_t out_of_line : 1; uintptr_t num_refs : PTR_MINUS_1; uintptr_t mask; ...
ERR_ASSERTION, @typedef, jsdoc Expected Behavior Expected to compile a minimal example using a JSDoc @typedef statement. Actual Behavior Fails an assertion in convertTypeAlias. Assertion failure output... Steps to reproduce the bug See minimal repro here: https://github.com/rreusser/typedoc-repr...
It central piece is the templated class NamedType, which can be used to declare a strong type with a typedef-like syntax: usingWidth = NamedType<double,structWidthTag>;usingHeight = NamedType<double,structHeightTag>; which can be used to make interfaces more expressive and more robust. Note...