The enemy's army force was five thousand strong. Strong (of a disease or symptom) Severe; very bad or intense. Strong Having a wide range of logical consequences; widely applicable. (Often contrasted with a weak statement which it implies.) Strong (of an argument) Convincing. Strong In a...
That’s an example, it happens, we strive to avoid it by being hyper-inclusive and open, but it’s not always enough, and there’s nothing we can do because as the local organisation they should own the work we are doing. I have plethora of examples, I am sure we all do. Last w...
“Our research suggests that polymerase theta’s main function is to act as a reverse transcriptase,” says Dr. Pomerantz. “In healthy cells, the purpose of this molecule may be toward RNA-mediated DNA repair. In unhealthy cells, such as cancer cells, polymerase theta is highly expressed and...
This month’s nominations and votes raised some incredibly important points about the purpose of this syndicate and our general mission statement/requirements. I want to give major props to everyone for remaining (mostly) civil on a topic that usually gets way out of hand, way too quickly. I...
People are more scared of the virus than they are of the police and the army. Because they see on Facebook, YouTube, not only news of Bangladesh but news from other countries. They are learning that thousands of people are dying of the virus in the advanced countries of the world and ...
SAGE used a light gun, invented by Bob Everett, for this purpose. It sensed light on the CRT screen and caused a computer interrupt to occur. The device sensed the initial burst of light caused when the electrons first stuck the phosphor on the back of the CRT screen. This process ...
The desire for financial security is why I've in the past suggested creatingfinancial buffers for your financial buffers. By doing so, if one money soldier goes down, you still have an army to prop you up. MY LATEST VIDEOS Get Your Mind Right And The Rest Will Follow ...
The only interdependency caveat is that you’ll need to apply the strong name before applying the digital signature. Both the strong name and the digital signature will change the binary, but due to thepurposeof the digital signature, it comes afterwards since it is used to tell you that ...
Which statement is NOT true according to the passage? [ ] A. Stephen preferred to go into the Navy rather than the Army. B. Stephen also received his call-up papers as Roy. C. The father didn't like Stephen's idea of going to America. D. Stephen was eventually forced to stay to...
C.The possible future of zoo enrichment.D.The original purpose of zoo enrichment. 2. How did the writer prove his statement in paragraph 3? A.By giving a database.B.By doing persuasion. C.By discussing the data.D.By presenting an example. ...