ruby rails alternative laravel validation parameters email luhn strong pragmatic dry-validation Updated Nov 17, 2024 Ruby yangr0 / CRYPTZ-old Star 6 Code Issues Pull requests [ CRYPTZ the Unbreakable ] (Old Version, not updated) python security encryption tools tool lock hacking python3 ...
//input validation - password fieldif($next&&$name=='team_profile_password'&&!is_strong_password($value)){$next=false;//frontend javascript is expecting http 200/400echo $this->data['lang']['lang_password_must_be_at_least_eight'];header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request',true,400);}//if u...
In the latestwhat-s new on CPAN, I linked toData::Password::zxcvbn, a new module which estimates the difficulty of cracking a given password. Developed by Gianni Ceccarelli, it’s a port of Dropbox’s JavaScript implementation by Dan Wheeler. How it works Dan Wheeler’s original blogpost...
2522 2523 * fix data validation (themitchy) 2524 2525 * add some debug options (themitchy) 2526 2527 * added a hash to the dashboard link. (salehen shovon rahman) 2528 2529 * move 'request' to devdependencies (ryan graham) 2530 2531 * hot fix for backwards compatibility with strong-...
{MultiOtpDisplayName} (AD/LDAP DisplayName) can be used in templates CHANGE LOG OF RELEASED VERSIONS 2022-11-04 ENH: Enhanced multiOTP Credential Provider 2022-10-21 FIX: Better special characters support in username and password ENH: The locked accounts list now also list the...
(positively or negatively) users' security postures and/or risk profiles, and contribute to risk-based analysis. For example, Extended Validation SSL (EV-SSL), digital watermarking, site keys, and so on contribute to mutual authentication and help improve end-user behavior, which in a way ...
check-password-complexity A simple javascript utility to check password strength and complexity password password-strength password-complexity strong-password password-validation zod yup password-checker password-validator secure password tiavina-mika• 1.4.15 • 7 months ago • 2 dependents • MIT...
(positively or negatively) users' security postures and/or risk profiles, and contribute to risk-based analysis. For example, Extended Validation SSL (EV-SSL), digital watermarking, site keys, and so on contribute to mutual authentication and help improve end-user behavior, which in a way ...
Utilities and writers are expected to check for the presence of a F field and ignore any possible formula element f in cells other than the starting cell. They are not expected to perform validation of the formulae! Formula Output Utility Function (click to show) Formulae File Format Detail...