Panigrahi SK, Desiraju GR (2007) Strong and weak hydrogen bonds in the protein-ligand interface. Proteins 67:128-141.Panigrahi, S.K. and Desiraju, G.R. (2007) Strong and Weak Hydrogen Bonds in the Protein-Ligand Interface. Proteins, 67, 128-141.
The binuclear iron complexes (CH 3 CN) 2 Fe 2 (CO) n ( n =7, 6), containing both the strongly back-bonding CO ligand and the weakly back-bonding acetonitrile ligand, have been investigated by density functional theory. The acetonitrile ligands are always found to be terminal in such str...
Write the electron configuration in t2g and eg orbitals in an octahedral field for Ni^2+ metal ions with weak ligand field strength. Write the electron configuration in t2g and eg orbitals in an octahedral...
Ligand field photochemistry of trans-tetraamminechromium(III) complexes with one strong-field and one weak-field axial ligandphotochemistry, radiation chemistry, chemoluminescenceThe ligand field photolysis of the three complexes (I) is studied in acidic aqueous solution....
Fabrication of composite hydrogels can effectively enhance the mechanical and functional properties of conventional hydrogels. While ceramic reinforcement is common in many hard biological tissues, ceramic-reinforced hydrogels lack a similar natural prot
If a single electrons are present in the orbitals, they are called unpaired electrons. In the strong field, the crystal field splitting energy is very high, so the electrons can paired up in the orbitals and if weak field is present, then single el...
Washout tooling is a process in which the entire tool can be removed by simply washing it away with water or other solvents. The washout functionality enables the creation of tooling for the formation of complex, hollow composite structures36. For example, washout tooling can be used for the ...
In data from leukocytes of 80 controls22, there was only a weak correlation between the expression levels of CD69 and CASP-3 (R2 ¼ 0.13), suggesting that the high correlation observed at the protein level is either because of post transcriptional regulation, for example, epigenetic ...
Concentrated VLPs were purified by two chromatography steps using: (1) ligand-activated core chromatography HiTrap CaptoCore700 column (Cytiva, Marlborough, MA, USA)54, and, (2) anion exchange (AEX) HiTrap Q XL column (Cytiva)55. The ÄKTA start chromatography system (Cytiva) was used ...
Textbook concepts of diffusion-versus kinetic-control are well-defined for reaction-kinetics involving macroscopic concentrations of diffusive reactants that are adequately described by rate-constants—the inverse of the mean-first-passage-time to the re