You are currently viewing details related to Strong-Drive® Exterior Wood Screws. You can also view product information related to the category: Fasteners for the Timber Drive™ System The SDWS Framing screw is designed and load-rated for replacing 16d, 10d and 8d nails in framing ...
You can also view product information related to the category: Fasteners for the Timber Drive™ System The Strong-Drive SDW Truss-Ply screw is a high-strength structural wood screw specifically designed for fastening multi-ply wood members, such as joining plated trusses and solid-sawn lumb...
Working hard is one thing. Working smart is another. With the new Timber Drive structural screw fastening system from Simpson Strong-Tie, field and manufacturing floor personnel have a more ergonomic and efficient way to perform repetitive fastening jobs with heavy-duty structural screws. It’s als...
Introducing the Strong-Drive SWD Double-Threaded screw from Simpson Strong-Tie. Designed for stealth, strength and speed. It’s ideal for securing two wood members together on interior or exterior structural jobs. Learn More Unified Elegance: Harmonizing Deck and Pergola Hardware with Outdoor Accents...
The Strong-Drive®SDWS TIMBER Screwis ideal for the ledger attachment – the essential, arguably most vital component in overall deck safety. Recommended as alternative to through-bolting and/or traditional lag screws, theStrong-Drive®SDWS TIMBER Screwrelative ease of installation is almost immedi...
When Simpson Strong-Tie set out to re-engineer their Strong-Drive®WSV Subfloor screw, the plan was to bring a code-evaluated, no-squeak, no-glue all screw replacement for sheathed horizontal wood-frame diaphragms to the market. We knew that these collated fasteners, which were designed for...
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SDPW Strong-Drive®Deflector Screw: The line of fasteners designed to connect non-load-bearing, full-height partition-wall top plates to trusses or joists features an innovative polymer sleeve to allow vertical movement without squeaks and provides both lateral resistance ...
EB-TY Premium Type 300 series stainless-steel plate reinforces EB-TY Premium, providing greater structural strength, increased holding power and pullover resistance EB-TY Fastener Black-painted 6-lobe trim-head screw provides a concealed finish, blends in with EB-TY fastener ...
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