“R” the meaning correlation coefficient, only can in - 1 to +1 sectors in.If obtains the data even more approaches +1, explained they have the very strong relevance.On the contrary, if approaches - 1, proved they have the very strong inverse correlation.Also some one kind of situation...
In this Review, we use a class of strongly correlated electron systems to illustrate the type of quantum phases and fluctuations that are created by strong correlations. Examples include quantum critical states that violate the Fermi liquid paradigm, unconventional superconductivity that goes beyond the...
Takahashi (2012), Strong correlation between the drag coefficient and the shape of the wind sea spectrum over a broad range of wind speeds, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L23604, doi:10.1029/ 2012GL053988.Takagaki, N. et al (2012), Strong correlation between the drag coefficient and the ...
Band topology and strong electron correlations represent two of the most active research themes in quantum materials1, with much attention now focused on the search for physics arising from their coexistence. To date, however, few examples of correlated topological materials are known to exist2,3,...
aThrough the correlation coefficient matrix of variables, we can see a strong link among the indexes selected. Meanwhile, the SPSS output results show that from the KMO and Bartlett, KMO inspection sphericity in 0.685, can mean value for principal component analysis. 通过可变物相关系数矩阵,我们能...
(Additional file1: Fig. S6A, B show two examples). Relative to those within a gene body, CoRSIVs located within 3 kb of either the 5′ or 3′ end of a gene showed predominantly negative correlations between methylation and gene expression (OR=2.84,P= 0.002) (Additional file1:Fig. S6...
polariton nonlinearity in TMDs is still not strong enough to trigger the related device applications due to the intrinsically small Bohr radius of the exciton. One popular proposal to address this issue is to form polaritons with higher-order excitations that have stronger interactions. Examples includ...
We report performance using the Pearson correlation coefficient between predicted and true values, or the F1 score averaged over the multiple classes and weighted by class support. Data are presented as mean values with error bars representing the standard deviation calculated from fivefold cross-...