We also show that the problem of having a closed form expression for weak consistency is closely related with P-completeness theory and that an optimization version of the problem is indeed P-complete. Regarding strong consistency, we present a sufficient condition and a necessary condition, ...
有控制依赖,因果一致性(causal consistency),和不同的记忆类型。尽管如此,大多数讨论都回到了我在这里概述的四个主要类别。 翻译自: Weak vs. Strong Memory Models
- [Consistency Models](databases/consistency-models) - Strong Consistency vs Weak Consistency - Eventual Consistency - Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC) - Synchronization techniques - [Quorum consensus](databases/quorum-consensus) - Inconsistency resolution - [Versioning](databases/inconsistency-resolution/ver...
例子: 想象我们的对象是一条狗,狗想要跑掉(被释放)。 strong型指针就像是栓住的狗。...如果有5个人牵着一条狗(5个strong型指针指向1个对象),除非5个牵绳都脱落 ,否着狗是不会跑掉的。 weak型指针就像是一个小孩指着狗喊到:“看! 91850 浅谈分布式系统设计中的 Strong Consistency VS Eventual Consistency ...
Except ST++, the training resolution of other works is larger than us: 512 vs. 321. credited to a doubled unlabeled batch size. We conjecture that regularizing two strong views with a shared weak view can be regarded as enforcing consistency between these t...
Weak and Strong Uniform Consistency of the Kernel Estimate of a Density and its Derivatives MarshallBreedingservesastheDirectorforInnovativeTechnologyandResearchattheVanderbiltUniversityLibrariesinNashville,TennesseeHehasauthoredseveralpreviousLib... BW Silverman - 《Ann Statist》 被引量: 546发表: 1978年 From...
Hence eventual consistency is a consistency model used to achieve high availability and is a weak consistency model. Nodes that have achieved eventual consistency is often said to haveconverged, or achievedreplica convergence. Eventual Consistency ...
fixmatch是google提出的一个semi supervised分类算法,提出采用简单的strong-weak augmentation范式即可在半监督上取得sota的结果。 strong-weak augmentation是指利用model在weak augmented的image上取得伪标签,并利用这个伪标签监督模型在strong augmented image的训练。
2) weak consistency 弱相合性 1. The moment estimators are extended and their strong andweak consistencyare proved. 对极值指数之矩估计量作了进一步的推广,并证明了其强、弱相合性。 2. They areweak consistency, strong consistencyand asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the...