3.The colorless semiliquid material inside a chloroplast, in which the thylakoid membranes are embedded and where the dark reactions of photosynthesis occur. 4.A dense mass of fungal hyphae on or in which reproductive structures develop. [Late Latinstrōma,mattress, covering, from Greek,bed; seeste...
Commonly, both species have a single chloroplast with one pyrenoid per cell. The parietal chloroplast is located on the periphery of the thallus in both species, although the location of the chloroplast differs in the two. In M. angicava, the chloroplast was observed to be arranged on o...
Our laboratory has a long-standing interest in proteins related to transport of solutes across the thylakoid membrane. This class of proteins is expected to function mainly in the stroma thylakoid regions to link reactions in the lumen with those in the rest of the chloroplast and the cell,...
To determine the sub-chloroplast location and topology of LPAT1, we performed protease treatment and alkaline extraction using chloroplasts containingin vitro-imported LPAT1 and chloroplasts isolated from LPAT1-Venus-complemented transgenic plants. We show that LPAT1 traverses the inner membrane via an...
chloroplast locationeffective quantum yieldinitial slope (α)light absorptionmaximum photosynthetic rate (Pmax)nonphotochemical quenching coefficient (qN)saturating irradianceIn the tip-growing filamentous cell of the xanthophycean alga Vaucheria terrestris sensu Gtz, a new growing tip develops in the non...