FULLER R.Anticoagulation to prevent strokes in older people with atrial fibrillation:assembling individualized risk and benefit information[J].J Am Geriatr Soc,2004,52(11):1968-1969.Fuller R.Anticoagulation to prevent strokes in older people with atrial fibrillation:assembling individualized risk and ...
This study thus evaluated the incidence of postoperative strokes and the association between strokes and postoperative neurocognitive outcomes in older patients recovering from noncardiac surgery.#The Postoperative Covert Stroke and Cognitive Dysfunction among Elderly Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery study ...
“The symptoms that young people have may be slightly different from older adults,” says Singhal. People tend to think of trouble speaking, arm or leg weakness, or sudden sensory loss as the primary symptoms of stroke. But in younger people, stroke can be associated with symptoms such as ...
To determine death rates, researchers calculated how many people died in the month after a stroke and found rates declined in both younger and older people. Forischemic stroke, 2.3% of younger people died one month after stroke at the start of the study compared to 0.1% at the end. In ol...
Short-term effects of ozone air pollution on ischaemic stroke occurrence: a case-crossover analysis from a 10-year population-based study in Dijon, France Objective: To evaluate the association between air pollutants and the occurrence of acute stroke from 10-year population-based study. Methods:...
Antiplatelet drugs were equally effective in patients older and younger than 65 years, a result that was also seen in the European stroke prevention study. No study has, however, investigated the protective effect of antiplatelet drugs in patients older than 70 or 80. We analysed a subgroup of...
Olive oil, which has long been associated with a heart-healthy diet, has now also been linked with a lower risk of stroke in older people.French Researchers surveyed 7,625 people age 65 or older living in Bordeaux, Dijon and Montpelier to determine their levels of olive oil consumption. ...
Doctors say a big misconception is it only affects older people, but that's not the case. In January, Snoop Dogg's 24-year-old daughter, Cori Broadus, shared that she suffered a "severe stroke." Broadus has also publicly spoken about her battle with Lupus. ...
"Further study is needed to identify barriers as to why young adults are delayed in seeking treatment for stroke, especially when they can have better outcomes than older adults if treated promptly. Many people still think of stroke as an event happening in the older population, but that is ...
A similar mid-twentieth-century phrase that is on its way to clichédom is different strokes for different folks, which originated in American regional slang. All these are synonymous with the much older proverb, One man’s meat is another’s poison, originating in Roman times and proverbial ...