CT or MRI pictures may be used to find the area of the brain that was affected by the stroke. The pictures may also show bleeding in your brain. The MRI machine uses a powerful magnet. Do not enter the MRI room with anything metal. Metal can cause serious injury from the magnet. Tell...
The TENSION research project is to conduct a clinical study to show whether patients affected by severe strokes can also benefit from the mechanical... Portable device detects severe stroke with 93% sensitivity 19 July 2018 The volumetric impedance phase shift spectroscopy (VIPS) device is a po...
This chapter discusses the effect of stroke on eyes. There are a host of manifestations of cerebrovascular disease that affect the visual and ocular motor systems. The eye and its behavior reflect the manifest or incipient effects of stroke. There is a logical division into abnormalities of the ...
Both may restore blood flow and oxygen to brain tissue affected by a stroke. But action must be taken as soon as possible — ideally within three hours of when stroke symptoms begin. That's why it is so important to get immediate medical care at the first sign of what might be a ...
When thebrain stemis affected, a patient may experiencedouble visionsince it can affect cranial nerves that control eye movements. Eyes will be misaligned in such cases. Stroke can sometimes cause darting movements of the eye called nystagmus. Some strokes can cause unequal pupils. ...
Commonly, the skin, ears, or eyes are affected. In very rare conditions all the sensory organs may be involved. The chapter discusses the non-hereditary systemic disorders involving the skin, non-hereditary systemic disorders involving the eyes, non-hereditary systemic disorders involving the ears ...
Some health educators add two more steps to the checklist, calling itBE FAST."B" stands for balance:loss of balance is a possible stroke sign. "E" stands for eyes: Someone having a stroke may suddenly lose vision in one or both eyes or have blurry vision. ...
Some health educators add two more steps to the checklist, calling itBE FAST."B" stands for balance:loss of balance is a possible stroke sign. "E" stands for eyes: Someone having a stroke may suddenly lose vision in one or both eyes or have blurry vision. ...
Eis for eyes, when a victim may experience sudden blurred, double, or loss of vision. Fis for face, referring to when one side droops or becomes numb. Ais for arm when one feels weakness or numbness of an arm or leg on one side of the body. ...
Strokes may cause sudden weakness, loss of sensation, or difficulty with speaking, seeing, or walking. Since different parts of the brain control different areas and functions, it is usually the area immediately surrounding the stroke that is affected. Hemorrhagic strokes have a much higher death ...