This possibility should be considered in all patients who have had an acute stroke or have worsening of stroke symptoms after initiation of cART [21]. An elevated waist to hip ratio (WHR) was associated with 12 times increased risk of stroke among young adults in Mulago hospital compared to ...
Stroke is defined as focal neurological deficit of sudden onset, with symptoms lasting more than 24 hours (or resulting in death before 24 hours). These definitions are no longer helpful in clinical practice for the following reasons: treatment of stroke is time sensitive and needs to be ...
There was no difference in mode of arrival, hours from symptom onset to presentation or knowledge about cerebrovascular disease, between the "old" and "very old" groups. Conclusion Community knowledge about stroke symptoms and treatment needs to be increased in the high risk group of patients ...
Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the associations of accelerometer-measured sedentary time and physical activity of varying intensity and duration with the risk of stroke in a national cohort of middle-aged and older women and men. We hypothesized that less time spent being ...
duty doctors and nurses in the in-patient neurological units in the area (four urban and one rural), local physicians practising within, or close to, the specified study areas, admission and discharge books for four hospitals, duty doctors in two residential homes (one for the elderly and one...
Prediction of early stroke risk in transient symptoms with infarction: relevance to the new tissue-based definition. Stroke. 2011;42(8):2186-2190. doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.110.604280 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 34. Ay H, Arsava EM, Johnston SC, et al. Clinical- and ...
Nowadays, many efforts are made to reduce the time gap between the onset of symptoms and the administration of the appropriate medication, particularly the door to needle time43. However, there is substantial disparity in the access to quality acute care facilities, with poor availability in low ...
In Spain, stroke is the first cause of death in women and the second in men, the main cause of severe disability in people over the age of 65 years and the second cause of dementia [1]. It has been predicted that the burden of stroke will rise in the oncoming years because of the...
Using up-to-date high-sensitivity assays, 30% to 60% of stroke patients show cTn elevation (5), in the majority of cases in the absence of coronary symptoms (34). cTn elevation is more commonly found in elderly patients and those with structural cardiac disease, such as HF and CAD (5...
34 The modest to small associations observed in some studies, such as among 2773 elderly men and women in Chicago, Ill,9 may be a result of controlling for hypertension and diabetes, which may directly mediate the association between excess weight and stroke. Other studies, however, failed to...